
Ugh, I need guy advice??

by  |  earlier

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Alright, well there is this guy who I used to really like and I know for a fact he used to like me too.

So we went out like for a month then we went to a camp to be a counselor and now he came back a week ago. He's acting so obnoxious now!!

Whenever we're in the pool and we like play a stupid game or whatever with friends, he always fines someway to like hug me. Then he's like "why am I even touching you?" so then I get mad and tell him to get off then he's like "you know you like it" and its SO annoying, he does with 24/7.

Then tonight we were outside just, like, walking and he told me he felt like going inside and I said I felt like staying outside then we was like "Are you afraid of being alone in the dark?" and I'm like "No, but you are" then he was like "No, I'm only staying out here because I want to be with you." then he grabbed my hand and I was mad about this afternoon and how annoying he acted in front of friends so I pulled away. Then he was like "you're right, I am afraid of being alone in the dark", then he started talking about some random girl and I just kind of left.

Why is he being so immature and annoying? He always like finds a way to insult me then pretend like he likes me, then he pretends he hates me. I used to really like him but he was gone for 3 months and he couldn't have a cell phone so we didn't talk or anything. Now I just don't like him at all and he's rude and annoying. WTF?




  1. he may have been nervous because he hadnt been around you for so long and isn't sure if you like him or not. And is just trying to find out.

  2. People change. I guess it just wasn't supposed to be between you two.

  3. He probably doesn't think he is being rude. He likes you that is for sure. I think he is most likely just confused on how to make a move on you. He probably thinks your being rude by being mean to him when he is trying to be sweet. He isn't being rude though, he is just playing around with you, that is how he moves on you. He is probably scared. It is nether of you guys fault. But i feel you could have something with one another if you would try to just talk and sort out the differences. You like him but think he is being rude, he likes you but is probably scare cause you won't give him a chance. I think this is all a big misunderstanding. There could be a great couple out there right now, you just have got to talk to each other and get over the playing, rudeness, and scaredness. Get loving! Good Luck!

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