
Ugh, jury duty :x?

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I'd really love some info on this.

It'll kinda be like a survey I guess.

How many hours did you have to wait in the waiting room?

How many times have you been called for jury duty?

Have you ever surved on a jury? And if so, how was the experience?

Things of that nature. Any answers would be great! :D




  1. I've been called twice, but once I got a deferral because I was a student and I was called during finals week.

    The second time I was called I waited all day.  Seriously.  They let us go at 5:00, so we were there 8 hours.  Luckily I had a book and an iPod.  I never actually served, but it might have been interesting.  Apparently part of why we had to stay so long was because the defendant tried to attack the prosecutor, so they had to take a break.  I thought stuff like that only happened on TV.

  2. I am called about twice a year. It usually takes about one hour from start to finish to see who was picked etc.... I have served on a jury. It was a family violence case. It lasted all day and we gave our verdict in less than 45 minutes of deliberation.

  3. I've been called to jury duty 4 times in the last 18 years. Only one time did I actually get onto a jury. The rest of the time, I spent sitting in the jury pool room, reading.

    The jury I served on was hearing a case about some woman fighting a speeding ticket. It was extremely boring and it probably COST the woman far more than she would have spent just paying the ticket.

    She lost the case, by the way, because she forgot to check jurisdiction (she was challenging the cop's authority on a road she THOUGHT was not within the city limits; the city limits had been CHANGED at the time and she didn't bother to check - she would have screamed "racism", too, except the COP was black and so was she.)
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