
Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anyone know how the h**l I should cope with this?

by  |  earlier

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so yeah my first period class invovles working with sepcail needs stduents. I have a disbality to and my so my motor skills don't develop as fast. I'm pretty good with typing. Anywas, so our class had to make lessons. So today the theme was bugs and we were working on bug magnets. So I was drawaign and glueing but I'd have to fix something. So then when I ried to clue my special needs student's bug, it did worked so I had to use hot glue and now I have to fix the d**n thing the next day. It's no my partners' fualt Anways, I get hlep from the teacher and somteimes form my friends and Ea but there are times when I'm on my own. I have a col-earder woh's hardly hear half the time so I feel like I have ot alot of tihngs on my own at times. Or sometimes, he shows up to his other classes but he don'st show up for the first peroid. I'm sure he's think he's the better leade,r but I at least ry and I show up every single day. I'n really ticked off. And I hope




  1. tell your teacher how you feel, he will try to make things easier for you and make sure theres always someone there to help you. tell your parents, too.

  2. Yeah, I here you. I got up late this morning. Waited on the dang train for 30 min. in the humid non air-conditioned Metro station. Wanted breakfast but it was already passed 10:30am. Gotta wrap things up here at the office cause I am leaving for Peru next week.

    You are the best leader there is and you deserve a big hug. Don't worry about gluing bugs. Life goes on.

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