
Ugh.. I just cried infront of my sister in law, how embarassing!?

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How do you feel about crying in public or infront of someone else?




  1. i don't like people knowing when i cry unless it's my best friend.

  2. i do it all the time and try to stop. too close to my feelings, i guess. but my SO has gotten used to it more or less. she got really embarrassed when i sobbed at wall-e.  it's a way of life with me, so <sob> i'm so <sniff> somethi....sigh

  3. I've balled in front of my therapist twice now I cry a lot I mean a lot its such an embarrassment to cry in front of people i've cried in front of my wife and my therapist so embarrassing and lets not even talk about when i was younger like in my late teens oh lawdy

  4. lol I do it all the time..pretty much everyone I know has seen me cry because I will just do it anywhere. i don't care whose watching

  5. I feel weak. I don't know, I've always felt that way. It makes me uncomfortable in a lot of situations.

    I'm sorry your upset sweetheart...I hope you feel better. XoXo.

  6. It's kinda embarassing. I've done it in the mall for almost no reason, with my brother sitting there. He wasn't thrilled about it and tried to leave the scene. >_<

  7. I would be embarassed too

  8. i never cry infront of people not even my family...i guess i find it embarassing cz i kinda think it makes me look weak or sumin if u get me. plus if you do every1s like omg whats wrong n i dnt wana tell people my problems....kinda stupid i guess but owell thats just me

  9. Crying is an emotion and is no different than getting mad at someone or being happy and laughing in front of someone so don't be embarrassed about it

  10. I try not to do it in public, i try to keep my emotions to myself, which isnt always good for me ... but i did it in front of my whole class once (extremely embarassing) but for a good reason, im sorry your upset :[ x

  11. I'm sorry you're upset.  ((Hugs))

    As far as crying in front of people, I try to cry in private if I feel I'm going to cry about something.  Although, I'm not ashamed of crying.  We're human, it happens.

    Hope you feel better.

  12. I am unable to cry in front of someone unless I am very comfortable and intimate wth them.

  13. i cant cry unless i have an emotional break not sure if it means theres something wrong with me, but i cant even cry properly in front of my best mate:S my mums the only one thats seen me break down :(  ive just built up too much of a hard shell  

  14. i hate crying infront of people, i cant stand it when i do, i dont cry often unless im talking about something thats really upset me.

    infact i done it the other day, i just started crying infront of my boss and his trying his best to calm me down, and i just couldnt stop! no matter how hard i tried, i guess its cos i hadnt creid in almost  a year so i basically had a years worth of crying pent up in me lol!! my boss was awesome with it all though.

  15. I cry everyday, or at least try to.

  16. In my work, I see people crying almost every day. There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about.

  17. I dont like crying in public cause people are sure to stare, but infront of someone else i dont mind aslong as their a relative or best friend, if its my brother i try to bite back the tears cos theres no way im letting him think hes won over me or im a softy :P

  18. sparkles?

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