
Ugh! PMS anyone?! ? grrrr?

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Is anybody else besides me PMSing right now?! Ugh. I hate this. I'm all irritable and then sad and teary and then irritable again! Are there any ways to help with calming down or even putting a stop to PMSing?!!




  1. Lately I seem to be experiencing a bit of PMS on and off, but rather mild.  But it could be because my period isn't regulated yet.  I suggest creating a space for yourself, where there's no one else around to get you irritated, and very little distractions.  Maybe try a hot bubble bath with candles and soft music and dimmed lights and perhaps a book?  Or something else like that?

    I don't know if this helps, but think about it... there's always at least one person in the world worst off then you...  although I know that this thought doesn't really help me, specially if I'm easily irritated LOL.  And according to my family, I've been PMS-ing since I was born LOL.

    Well I really hope that I helped, because I know PMS is a real pain in the butt and I wish guys would get it too so that they would know what we go through.  It's not fair how guys go through so little and yet we woman must go through so much.  UGH!!!  LOL Well anyways I really hope I helped you and good luck!

    P.S. I hope my reply didn't irritate you!  LOL  (Did I at least put a smile on your face? I hope so!) ;-)

  2. Try taking Valerian from a Herbalist shop. Hope you feel better soon.

    Best wishes. UK

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