
Ugh What is the easiest (and hopefully fast) way to fold a fitted sheet?

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I have tried many ways over the years and it always comes out lumpy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




  1. I HATE folding fitted sheets so I fold them as best I can- by flipping in the corners and so on... Other people will have a more involved answers.... Anyway, instead of clogging up space in my linen cabinet I store my sheet/bedding in underbed storage containers under my bed!  Also, if you must use your linen cabinet and want it nice looking.. Fold the fitted sheet as flat and neat as possible and store inside one of the matching pillowcases!  It keeps ALL the bedding together nice/neat but, you don't have to perfectly fold the fitted sheet!  

    Good luck

  2. I put the corners in each other and then tuck them inside and fold the sheet in half then half again.

  3. folding always wrinkles try folding then hanging on very large hanger

    next time you buy new sheets make sure they have wrinkle release

    Pottery Barn has them

  4. I actually learned this at my buddies house. His wife is all souther-sweetness, and made me learn so I could please my wife.


    1) hold it longways by the elastic part of two parallel corners.

    2) Stick your index finger into the corner seem of each of these

    3) fold in half and fit the two corner seems together, smoothing the fabric and elastic part.

    4) lay flat and do the same with the other two coners

    You will have a sheet folded in half long ways. There will be two perfect corners where you fit the seemed corned together.

    From there just fold as you like.

    The key is to stick your index fingers into each of the two upper corners to start, and fold those over onto one another.

    Wish I could draw you a picture.


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