
Ugh!!! Why was today so horrible?!?

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Okay, for the past 3 months, I've been looking for a haircut, I had decided on something, and then today when I went to get it cut, the lady at the salon (the salon that charges $90) turned the zac-efron like haircut into a cross between a bowl-cut and a comb-over..I was FURIOUS, but I didn't show it and asked her to cut more off instead, and this is the result-

I HATE IT....and school starts on monday, and I have a ton a freaking acne!

Poll: Who else had a horrible day?




  1. Seriously, you look cute with your new hair style! So, don't worry about it.

  2. Don't worry...I like this hair cut better than the long one you had before...and hair will grow back....then you can get the hair cut you want.

    By the way, I like your Shutter Shades.

    I had a worse hair cut once...I told the barber to cut my hair short...he used the machine to remove all of it!

    I was so pissed, and I was going to school that time.

    Since then I tell him to do it properly twice...he saw how furious I was that day!

    Nope...I didn't have a bad day today....except that I've been suddenly getting a lot of emails telling me to eat this and that to help my memory.

    It's nice though...but it's taking a lot of time to reply to them all.

    *Best Wishes*

    ♪♣ Đǐvǐήέ Яάў ♣♪

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

  3. i actually think it looks great on you.dont worry too much. lol. youre probably upset because you had your heart set on that zac efron cute. you look awesome. and ive seen a whole lot of worse acne than me. lol but if its an issue for you, just go to the store and get some clean and clear stuff or neutrogena works great.

  4. its not that bad. you look cute. its fine. i am picky when it comes to cuts too. it takes a day or two for it to grow on you. oh and for the acne just go to the store and get an acne formula that has benzoyl peroxide in it. that is the proven chemical to clear acne. it did to mine! and dont worry. to be honest, i love the hair cut. you look hot!

  5. No, don't be like that!!!

    You can do lots of great things with that haircut.. like a faux-hawk (the shutter shades tell me you're a faux-hawk kind of guy.) Play around with it until you find something new - it's an opportunity for you to start school with a new look! See the bright side :]

    And as far as the acne goes - go to the store and buy clean & clear 8-hour acne somethingsomething... use it today & tomorrow morning and your acne will be much less.

    Put on a new outfit that makes you feel confident.. and voila! You're ready to go to school.

    PS. Don't worry about it.. high school sort of sucks ;] Most of us twentysomethings can remember that.

  6. considering its short it actually looks ok! but i have to agree you looked better in ur pic when it was long! like the sunglasses btw!

  7. Wow, you have really cute lips. =) Who cares about your hair (it looks great by the way). s***w the hair! Cut it all off & let's kiss! lol

    I'm going to say I'm kidding so I won't get reported. But really I'm not. =P

  8. I like this hair cut much more then the longer style in your profile, get some bedhead or other styling products and play around with it. Your a cute g*y guy I'm sure you can rock this too.


  9. I'm not going to say that this is "not that bad" or "adorable."

    I'm going to say that it looks WAY better than the thing you were looking at!! I remember seeing a question like that and I answered that what you were looking for would be okay but I wasn't enamored with it. This, though, really fits your face, I think it looks fabulous.

    Everyone gets acne, no need to freak. Just use some tomato soap (Burt's Bees makes some) and a vitamin C moisturizer or Aveeno's Positively Radiant and you'll be good in a couple days! That tomato soap works wonders. Can't find it? Use organic tomato paste like a masque today, then use it like you'd use soap in the next few days. You'll get a similar result. Tomato is a great anti-oxidant, which is why this works!

  10. That sucks, you paid $90 for something you could get done on your own, or at a cheap place...but it's not that bad. It actually reminds me of my last boyfriend, and I'm no slouch when it comes to men. The girl who suggested the faux hawk is right btw. Cheer up, everything passes with time, the worst thing you can do is start school with a bad attitude about yourself.

    My day wasn't great either. I spent all day sweating and not doing much.

  11. Lol you dont sound like whiny little brat!

    If you want my honest opinion, i actually like it better than it was before. You look older, even with those funky glasses on. Dont think about it too much, most people hate how their hair looks after a cut. Myself included lol. But seriously, it doesnt look bad

  12. Aww dude your adorable but..those Kanye shades are kind of played out now...seriously lol but I love urban outfitters thats were I buy

  13. Oh, shut up! It's cute!

    PS: I think its your own fault for going to a place that charges 90 dollars for a haircut! 90?! Seriously?! They're like 12 dollars where I go.

  14. Relax, it's not horrible! It's adorable!


    I'm serious man! It takes some time to get used to a new haircut, but it looks cute! I'm sure others will think the same way.

  15. you look cute.

    Quite your whineing.

  16. thats actually good

    were did you get those shades, I have been looking for those everywhere

  17. nah you dont sound like a brat I get alot of bad days and I like to complain about it makes me get hyper and see s***w you to life haha but dont worry bad days usually lead up to good days and its just a fricken cycle just be positive  

  18. Actually...considering my mom told me she has no respect for me & my decisions [even though I'm over 18 and legally allowed to make my own decisions] and told me to pack my bags & find a new place to live I had a fantastic day =]  hahahha I love ignorant people.

  19. Once again I am not going to lie because it pissed me off when my friends would sugarcoat stuff about my hair. Here is my story. I had the Zac Effron hair, my parents and my dates parents made me cut it for prom and it was horrible (10X worse than your hair the bîtch cut my bangs STRAIGHT!), but then it grew back out for the summer. Then I had the brilliant idea to get my hair permanently straightened. I was a white boy literally with an asian haircut. SO then I decided to cut it off once again. Now I am back to the horrible short hair. But what I tell my self to stop bîtching to my friends is "that hair grows back." And the good thing is that hair grows faster in the cold so fall and winter are coming and I am very excited for that. So even thought your hair may look bad now just bare through it until it grows back out.

    But real quick can you explain to me the glasses? Like what's the point of them?  thanks :)

    And remember... hair grows back.

  20. My day sucked too...

    I also got a really bad haircut recently, too. The lady cut my bangs way too short and I hated it, but I washed it and styled it myself and it looked much better and now I love it. Just play around with it and maybe you'll get something you like. Best of luck :)

    PS- I know this doesn't matter but your hair is still cute and the acne isn't that noticeable unless someone is constantly staring at you... which would be kinda creepy. O.o lol

  21. Yeah, I really don't like it. Your old hair looked better.

    Its so short and has a weird little swooshy front thing. O.o

    Ah well, YOU are still pretty cute anyway and your hair will grow out and your skin will get clear, one day. xP

    My day sucked pretty bad too.

  22. I wouldn't worry about it, coming from a L*****n, it doesn't look that bad at all. My day was pretty boring... :P

    School is nearly approaching...EW!

    edit: I second the fauxhawk motion

    and.... I'm being 100% sincere when I tell you that it looks good!!!

  23. Well, I have a chem exam tomorrow that counts for 15%,

    and here I am on YA,

    not really caring at this point.

    I hate university with all the hatred I have

  24. dude...  just remember, you've got $60K to blow on a car, right?

    how can you have a bad day with that in the back of your mind?

    hair grows back, bud.



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