
Ugh...does this p**s anyone else off?

by  |  earlier

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Alright so i'm a single mom and i have a pretty good job. I'm looking for a new apartment because the complex that i'm at keep raising the monthly rent. While looking I come across several nice new apartments that I call to inquire about, only to find out that I can't live there because you have to make under 29,000 a year to occupy them... WTF!!! So basically if I quit my job and went on welfare I could live in a nice new apartment, but because I won't I have to settle for not as nice and pay more.... I'm so upset at the and what kind of country do we live in where you benefit from NOT working... and you suffer when you do have a good job and are a hard working citizen...




  1. I soooo agree with you! Unbelieveable....

  2. Why would you be upset? And why would you want to live in an apartment complex where the maximum household income is $29,000?

    Most people like to live in areas with similar demographics.  

  3. Yeah, that is totally not right! I agree with you 100% blame the government is all I can say! Well good luck anyway : )

  4. So you thought until today that the world was fair and this country was good? Big day for you then...

  5. We live in a barack obama america

  6. My wife went through this in college, but in the reverse. The welfare office told her to drop out of school and get a job because she was putting a burden on society to support her and her daughter when really she should be working. She ended up staying in school, getting her degree, and going to work for $45K/yr to start.

    WTF is right, and yes, it does p**s me off.

    Hang in there. Whatever anyone else says, do what's right for you and your child/children.

  7. If you like that situation, keep voting for democrats.

  8. I'm glad we live in a country where helping the less fortunate is a priority. I highly doubt those people don't have jobs and are on welfare. And if so it is not by choice as you seem to make it out to be. Some people are just dealt crappy situations and unlike you apparently there are some people out there with sympathy that would like to try to help these people. By the way, you could be working a full time job all year round in most places and be making less than that amount so who says these people aren't working their as* off just as much as poor complaining you?

  9. Yeah, that is a really upsetting situation, but nobody should blame Barack Obama for trying to help the many poor Americans. He never tried to make it more expensive for people with money, only less expensive for those without. I think the answer is to remind the country that we need to help those in need, but we still have to remember about those with fair salaries.

  10. honey there are some people out there that are not doing as well as you and those people need some place to live.  Most poor people do not chose to be poor.  $29000/yr is not welfare that too is a decent job but it doesn't make ends meet.  They aren't rewarding laziness, because you still have to pay rent to live there.  That is what you call private housing and they usually charge 1/3 of your income; meaning, $805/mo, meaning not welfare or lazy.

  11. Yeah I really don't blame you for being upset...Karma can be a ****** sometimes :)

  12. im 14 and i remember last year when my mom got a new job and that ment that me, my little brother and sister didnt qualify for reduced lunch any more, so my mom and dad had to pay for more lunch and taxes. and now we have less money because of all of that. and every time my mom talks about possible promotions i get scared and want to know what we will be giving up NOW...

  13. It's not fair, but then would you want those kind of people as your neighbors?

    Why not look into buying your own place instead of throwing your hard earned money away on rent?  It's much more financially sound!

  14. maybe you're looking into section 8 housing, and that's why you can't live there. Look for apartments that aren't sooo cheap.

  15. our country is ****** up!

    i know what you parents worked there asses off just to get by.

    and my friends parents never worked a day in there lives and they get food stamps, money assistance and are also on housing assistance...

    so they don't have to pay for anything...

    there food, and house are being paid for by us...

    and they are on disability when nothing is wrong with them...other then being stupid and lazy...

    it's OK to use that stuff when your just starting out, but to stay on it your whole life is lazy and ****** up...

    but Obama will help fix that problem...

  16. just lie about your earnings  like everyone else maybe your boss will help u out with a false statement...LOL  I know how u feel.. s***s me too!!!!

  17. thats so weird

    you would think that if you got paid more you could live in a nicer place

    wow thats stupid

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