Question: sad...and VERY MAD! braces?

by  |  earlier

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well i went to the orthodonist today because i have not lost 2 of my baby teeth yet. one of the perment teeth is on the roof of my mouth! they have to take the skinish gums off the perment tooth and pull it with a chain into place. ouch! but anyway.. i have to get a full mouth of braces. i am SO pissed. i am 14!! i have nothing wrong with my bottom teeth AT ALL! they are staight and i love em. but nooo...the fuckn denist have to make them...different! why?! but since i am 14..will i have to get an expander?

they want to do it in 2 weeks but we dont have enough money. its gonna cost $5000 so we have to wait for at least 3 more months.




  1. I have braces, and it hurts a lot, so the pain should go away in a few days. don't worry! also, take advil or some other over the counter medication to releave pain.

  2. Did you have an overbite? That might explain the braces on bottom teeth

  3. it depends if your top teeth is narrow soo they would have to make it wider and thats when you need an expander.

    usually if you have a crossbite.

  4. Don't worry. I had my braces 4 years ago when I was 11. I had bottom and top braces too. It's not bad once you get them. I don't think you will need an expander. We don't pay here in the U.K because we have the NHS where as USA doesn't.

    Good luck! :)

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