
Ugh. it makes me so mad.geez.

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i see all these kids going out and buying converse. and they dont even like them, they only get them because everyone is wearing them. i can honestly say, that i was wearing converse before they were ''cool.'' its like all these people are just trying to fit in, instead of wanting to be themselves. i hate it. thanks to all the people out there that arent posers//trying to fit in.

does this make anyone else mad?




  1. Get over yourself. Converse were popular back in the 30's so you can't complain. You're copying someone else's style too, you know. My dad will be 80 this month and he says that HE used to wear converse when he was a kid.

  2. I know what you mean. My mom bought we my first pair in third grade and I've worn them ever since and now I'm sixteen. It doesn't really bother me now that they are cool because I know I wear them because they are comfortable and I enjoy wearing them.  

  3. uhm...i wear all star know the old school kind, and I like to wear them not because they are they are actually really comfortible for me to wear and walk with, not everyone is a poser, I was rocking a lot of things before they were cool, so what perhaps you started a trend where you were, otherwise please take your complants else where.

  4. Yes.Converse are originals and then some people wear and think they're cute? they aren't supposed to be cute!

  5. omg i know what you mean.

    i used to always want a pair of converse, like that was my friggen life goal lmfao

    but now i dont even want them anymore cause EVERYONE has them

    i like being unique thanks.

    im even starting to not like hollister/abercombie and AE anymore cause, again, everyone wears it.  

  6. I just like Converse because they have some cool shoes, not because other people wear them.  I could care less what other people wearing.  Not all my shoes are Converse I have some weird brown shoes that I wear all the time that I've never seen anyone wear.

  7. I don't even like Converse, I don't really find them comfortable.

    Lame people follow fads just because they have no idea of self identity or individuality.

    Same thing with all of the people who wear Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, just to fit in.

    It says right on AE clothes since 1977.

    Why didn't anyone wear the clothes before 2000 something then?

    And my dad had converse shoes...and my dad is 52.

    Yeah, so they were popular waaaay back then.  Haha.

  8. i think converses are really comfy after you break them in. i love converse!!! my last pair i ruined by accidentally putting them in the dryer... whoops!!! id rather wear converse than my nikes

  9. my gosh they are just shoes...besides everyone has a pair of converse, i have a couple pairs and started wearing them back when i was a kid, they're awesome shoes and have been around for 100 years(it's their 100th anniversary this year) they've always been popular

    did you ever think that people you know bought them because they liked them??? (not just because you were wearing them)

    calm down, lots of people like converses...thats like getting angry because someone wears vans, come on

    a poser? a poser of what? converse were originally made for baseball players

    but if you really want to feel "unique" buy some jack prallers....if you even know what those are

    EDIT: "i liked converse before they were a fad" weren't even born before they were popular so how can you say that???

  10. same w uggs

    no offense to any1 that has them but the are by far the ugliest shoes i have ever seen

  11. Yes! Someone understands!!! It seems like I really like something for a while, then it gets popular, and everyone else likes it. It pisses me off. This always happens with music for me. I love a band that no one else really knows of then all of a sudden it gets popular and people act like they've always been die-hard fans. I'm like wtf?

  12. So you are mad because people "stole" your style? How childish are you?

  13. Honestly I wear what I want and don't care what people think call me a "poser" I'm not following a "fad" I simply saw it I liked it and got it.

  14. heck yes. My DAD had converses before anyone lOL. i started wearing them for mowing my lawn!!!! then all the sudden it becomes a trend...even though I have alwaysa had worn out converse..

    h**l even BIRKS!!

    its odd how things happen!

    I still wear converse though.  theyre comfy

  15. Lol. I really agree. I have two pair of converse chucks. A black pair and a green. They were in style here 3 years ago. I love them. I'm the only one that has them here, because I'm just gonna be who I am.

    Anyway. Yes that meakes me very mad. Like 2 years ago my friend got sperrys and everyone talked about how ugly they were. And then a year later everyone had them. Its so stupid.

  16. yeah i know i have been wearing converse now for over a couple of years now and bam suddenly they get popular!

  17. I know I had them for a LOOONG time and now everyone has them

  18. I really hate it when people think this way.

    I wear American Eagle, Converse, Hollister, Pac Sun clothing: DCshoes, Volcom, Abercrombie, even freaking Wal-mart! OR Goodwill. If it looks cute ill buy it. I don't care about the label.

    I wear whatever I feel like it. Wearing labels shouldn't classify your status or how you should dress. How do you know they don't like them? Because they don't dress in that type of "style"?

    Have you personally ASKED them?

    I think it is so dumb how kids in school care SO much about what the other person is wearing. Why does it bother you so much? It's not your business..they have every right to wear whatever they want to wear. I just think it is so stupid and immature of people to judge someone on what they are wearing or the labels. I Or say they can't wear a certain item of clothing because they are "posing". Posing as what?

    If preps want to wear hot topic or skate co. clothing then they can's their right...if skaters want to wear preppy clothes..they just feel like doing it..why does it matter?

    And if they are going out and buying them even if they don't like them well..then that's their problem. They spent money on shoes they don't even like. Doesn't effect you at all it is just their bad judgment on spending money.


    grow up sheesh.

    None of it is YOUR style. It is put in stores for everyone. No one cares if you had them before they were cool. Converse is a classic brand they were invented WAY before you were born. Get over yourself. Stop worrying about what other people are wearing or doing and do something with your life besides judging people for reasons that NO ONE could care less about.

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