
Ugh.... my sister is annoying

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Ugh.... my sister is annoying




  1. what kind of a question is that?! you have to be more specific

  2. Deal with it.

    Or just ignore it.

  3. its probably because she is similar to you!

  4. I'm sorry thay your parents have FAILED to raise you kids with mutual respect, love, loyalty, appreciation, friendship, good will, kindness and other positive things so you will be good to and with each other instead of annoyed.

    When you have kids of your own PLEASE raise them BETTER than you are being raised!

    perhaps you can undo some of the bad parenting you are getting by going here:

  5. mine eats my boogers

  6. ...and so does any sibling feels about another sibling  

  7. lol put up with it

  8. seriously...

  9. How old are you? 12? This question was on top of your question about this girl deciding whether or not to take her sister off life support ..

    I'm pretty sure you don't have it harder. GROW UP.

  10. I have 2 older sisters, 2 younger sister's and 2 younger brothers... Goh deal with it you think you've got problems try dealing with that!

  11. that's their job get over it

  12. You didn't say how old your sister is?  All girls go through an annoying stage why should your sister be any different?

    She will out grow it so please do not do or say anything that will hurt your brother, sister relationship.  Just be patient with her and  try to understand all the harmon changes she is going through right now.

    Show her you love her, do something nice for her or buy her a small gift and tell her "it's just a because I love you gift."  You might just have a much less annoying sister.   I would give suggestions on a gift if I knew how old she was.

    Good luck!  

  13. and why is  she so???

  14. All sisters and brothers are annoying.  I should know I have seven sisters and no brothers.

  15. i feel ur pain, only i have a bro with a high pitched voice.

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