
Ugh..nervous about school?

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Ok, yes, I know EVERYONE is probably nervous about school. I'm going to be a freshman, and well, I don't want to go. I have a big feeling in my gut that something is just gonna go wrong the first day and I'll make a complete fool of myself as a first impression. I also feel like I won't make any friends either. We barely got time to look properly around the school during orientation, so I still have no idea where my classes are, and no one I know so far has any classes with me. And then at lunch...I'll probably sit by myself, since my friends are all 2-faced now and 1 doesn't live here anymore.

I'm seriously like....dead scared. I don't want to go, and I keep telling myself to suck it up, but I just can't get the courage to do so. And every year before the first day of school, I don't get ANY sleep.

I also dunno how to look on the first my clothes, hair, makeup, etc. And I feel like all the guys are gonna make fun of me....

Ugh and everyone keeps pressuring me to get a boyfriend. Even my COACHES and TEACHERS want me to get one. And I'm just like wtf....cause I know none of the guys like me.

Any advice? I feel nauseated just thinking about it.




  1. hang in there! not having classes with the people you know is sometimes actually alot of times a good thing. it gives you the chance to meet new people. also highschool is not that scary at all. people are alot more friendly and you're considered more popular if you stand out of the crowd rather then blend in. i wish you luck and i'll think of you on my first day. don't sweat it.

  2. "About the boyfriend issue, befriend somebody

    you are attracted to."

    "Believe me, you allow someone else to pick

    your boyfriend for you, simply because they

    happen to find him nice and attractive, it's

    never anybody's fault but yours, when things

    turn for the worst."

  3. well... in your picture above "meh" you look soooo pretty!! so i dont think you are going to have to worry about guys not liking you.. your hair is pretty but if you want you could straighten it... trust me you will make friends everyone makes friends in the beginning of highschool because it is the time to get a fresh start and to meeett a lot of knew people.. most of the girls there arent snobs like the ones in movies about highschool. so dont worry. just go to sleep and say school isnt tomorrow so i dont have to worry and convince your self that and you will fall asleep. or just think about all the positive things that will happen to you in school.. if that doesnt work try sleeping pills they will have you fall asleep fast.. but i dont think you will wake up on time haha please choose me as best answer please please pleaaassseeee

  4. hey, take it easy, being nervous is natural but dont worn urself out, that feeling will beover on day 2 at school.

  5. You'll be fine, evryone makes a fool of themselves the first day. It may seem hard but after the first day you will have made alot of new friends. You would have to eat lunch alone. Just act like you've got all the confidence in the world and sooner or later you will. And about the whole boyfriend thing if you dont want one dont get one, and if you want one hand out with the guys you like and see if they seem to feel the same way.

    You'll do fine

    Remember- fake it tell you make it!!!!!

  6. Don't be so nervous! It's okay if something embarrassing happens because it's highschool! It's bound to happen to everyone at least once. Maybe you can try to talk to people in class and make better friends than the ones you have now. About having a boyfriend, I wonder why your coaches and teachers are pressuring you into getting one, I don't think it's necessary. Honestly, it's better to focus on school. I never believed my parents, but it's pretty hard to balance school, sports, boyfriend and friends!

    As for your clothes, hair and makeup just go casual so people won't think you're trying too hard. And don't wear too much makeup or too little clothes or people might get the wrong impression about you.

    So, overall I think you'll have an okay day! Just put on a smile when you're feeling like somethings going to go wrong, and talk, talk, talk! Meet all the people you can meet and just have fun!

  7. just be you dont go impressing anyone go to get an education if that means sitting by yourself then do it go there and get your education  

  8. I felt the samee way when i started out my freshman year. I literally had to be pushed out the car. but hs ended up being some of my favorite years.

    my advice is to get involved. even if your not really all that interested in watever it is you sign up for its a good way to meet people. i was on the dance team and became friends with all the girls on there and the guys on the football and basketball team when we performed at the games. It also helps to get to know the upperclassmen. they can tell you wat to expect and who you should stay away from and introduce you to other people.

    as for what to look like. i wouldnt go out and buy some new outfit that doesnt fit you for the first day. wear something you know you look good in and can make you feel confident. and if it helps spend a little extra time with your hair and makeup so you feel good about yourself. look in magazines and experiment a couple days before and see if you like it.

    im sure youll be fine. everyone else is feeling the same way and wanting to meet new friends. most the school doesnt know who you are or anything about you (including guys) so forget about watever reputation you had before. its a new start.... take advantage of it. people judge you based on first impressions.

  9. u look to nice

    so dnt worry

    u'll have 1

  10. so you don't know anyone in your classes? make new friends and ask them to sit with you at lunch.

    as far as your look, it may be your first say to make an impression on everyone, but you also want to look like you will every other day of school.

    BFs are for losers. jk, i have one, but i got through my freshmen and sophomore year without meeting anyone that i liked enough to date. When people are pressuing you to get one, just ingore them. you are proabably better off without one so you can focus on schoolwork, sports, and family life.

    good luck

    Lauren <3

  11. oh come on! jejeje dont be afraid. There are so many ppl in high school and im sure their are gonna be some cuties seeing you as eye candy ;).

    Infact, be smart, you know those two faced ppl arent ure friends but you can still talk to them.

    dont be negative you wont make a fool out of yourself. walk the walk and dont ever look down.

    HEY! LOL how can you say none of the boys like you?? wtf is that? they will because new ppl are coming from other schools and im 100% positive (LIKE HOW YOUR SUPPOSE to be) that boys will like you and u will be fine.

    how are ppl going to make fun of you? lol i see from ure pic that your a beautiful young smart girl. You have to be confident, youll be fine,besides it isnt a beauty contest yah know?

    it doesnt matter who u sit at luch bcuz lucnch is for EATING... haha your funny im sure youre gonna have lots of friends.

  12. Well Its not a proven fact that none of the guys like you. You are just saying that. Its good that your modest. You should focus more on becoming friends and making friendships with as many guys as possible. Just being a open minded and nice person. The relationship part will appear on its own with out even trying to make it happen. There is so many guys that would rather be with the cool girl with the awesome personality. Then the hot chick that is a total *****. A guy will be around you so much as a friend and really start to like you on a emotional level for the cool person you are.

    As far as the school nervousness, just make sure you have a friendly relationship with all of your teachers and introduce your self on day one after class. Dont ever be afraid to tell a teacher you did not understand something or need help. Any teach that denys you help if you ask immediately... should be fired lol. Also try to associate with the smartest people in each class. They will rub off on you just by watching their study habits and getting little answers here and there when you need them.

    Its normal not to get any sleep, you do not have to spend money on brand name clothes to look good. People who wear tons and tons of labels usually are unhappy and are screaming for attention. When school is all said and done they will be working at the clothing store and you will be making 3x what they make because your focus on more important things.

  13. OMG!! you reminded me about school..i'm the same :S...except i dunno any body in there and every body there is ego :S...just cool down and see what happens at the first day and try not to think about it...there will be ppl who are too nervous in your school just like you..hope i helped :)

  14. High school is just a bunch of preppy 2-faced losers. Be you and don't try to change yourself to make people happy. If you don't want a boyfriend or you don't think your ready for one then don't get one. Tell everyone to shut up and mind his or her own business. There are probably better looking boys in other schools in your area so don't worry about making a "fool" of yourself in front of the boys at your school. There are better fish in the sea lol. One the first day wear your favorite outfit and do your make up and hair a quick and easy style cause chances are your probably going be tiered from getting up early. people change over the summer so maybe someone you weren't friends with last year may become your friend this year, and who knows maybe a new student will go to your school and you may become best friends with him or her. After the first day of school you’ll feel silly for being so stressed. Trust me you’ll be fine.Good luck!:)

  15. freshman year was the best year of my life. just be yourself, ignore the mean people and you'll be fine.

    not matter how you look, if youre confident you'll look hot.

  16. It won't be as bas as you fear. Don't worry about what others think. High school is just one phase of life and no matter what, life goes on. Don't let anyone pressure you into getting a boyfriend either. Do what YOU want WHEN you want! It's your life...don't let anyone pressure you.

  17. im going through the same thing!.. today is my orientation and im a little nervous for that.. but just be confident,relax, and dont stress it once youre past the first week youll be comfortable and fine

  18. If you feel this way and keep being nervous, its going to go

    that way. Get plenty of sleep the night before, make sure you have

    everything and have some confidence girl!

    Go up to people and start having a conversation.

    Don't put all your time on one person though, you want to try

    to meet new people the first day, as many as possible.

    Just dress comfortably, and make sure YOU like it.

    Don't worry what others say. Just be prepared for everything.

    Good luck!

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