
Ugh! parents!! ????

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so my parents have grounded me from my boyfriend because they caught us in the shower with our bathing suits on. i am 16 and he is 18. so now they have to give us a talk and set rules. ya know. and i am grounded. anyway, is this overreacting? i mean, we weren't doing anything! it's not like we were naked, \we were in our bathing suits




  1. My kids are only 5, 3 and 1 (all boys) and I can tell you that if I ever caught them in the shower with a girl (with or without suits) I would kick their butts. If both parties are over 18 and we already have an understanding of what we expect, then that is one thing. But you totally disrespected your parents by doing this in their home, you knew it was wrong you were trying not to get caught. Wait til you're 18 then you can do what you want. Until then it's their rules.

  2. Okay, so for now just obey parents coz theyre parents and we can never win with them. Just for now,obey them and I think its normal for them to react coz its not normal if they will smile after seeing u both in shower even if ur having those suits on.

    answer mine please

  3. ...well what were you intentions of being in the shower with him.

    regardless of the bathing suits..

    it isn't appropriate.

    because i know that when i shower with my boyfriend or something i dont want to ask my parents.. hey is it alright if so and so and i take a shower

    we will have our bathing suits on

    wink wink*

    they have a right to be angry.

    and a right to set ground rules, but.. they'll get over it... i mean there is no instant cure for their anger.

    just be respectful and normally that goes over well.

  4. YES, it is overreacting! Thats so stupid... your 16. I don't know where you live but in England the legal age to have a proper relationship is 16.

  5.'s not overreacting.  It's a step away from being sexually active and at 18..he should not be even laying a hand on you.

  6. there so not over reacting, you should be thankful thats all you got, if that was my daughter she would be more then grounded, shed never see that boy again, she would lose the computer, if she goes to school she would come straight home after, and no going anywhere without me or her dad for quit awhile.

  7. you have to ask yourself.. was this respectful to my parents?

    they assume you could've easily taken your suits off. this WAS innappropriote.. if ou want to be in a body of water with your bathing suits on.. go swimming! it's very tempting to do more stuff when you keep pushing the limits.. eventually you will fall through and do something you'll regret later. i think it was right for your parents to ground you. what were you thinking? you had to know it'd drive them crazy b4 you did it..

  8. No, your parents know how quickly things can escalate in that situation. They're not trying to rule you. They love you and don't want you hurt.

  9. Ur parents r right....U weren't naked but the situation wasn't totally innocent. Was it? Until u r an adult u have to compromise with their rules.

  10. no your parents r not over reacting, just think what u'd do if u were in their shoes, they dont know what was happening, what could happen, or what may have happened before. u r lucky, u only got grounded n a set of rules. they did not give u any harsh punishments.

    try explaining to your parents that u were just having some innocent fun n nothing else n that u wud never do anything w/o their consent n stuff like that. show that u r mature n can be trusted. any parent wud be in shock n dilemma by what they saw, that was the 1st think that came to thgeir mind.

    follow the rules they've set even after listening to your side of story, that will show that u r sincere n that u werent doing anything wrong, if u resist or break rules, they'll only tighten their hold, n place more restrictions. lie low for a while n be mature n dont do something in future that may anger your parents. they'll see u r sorry n probably give u some freedom once they've calmed down n recoverd.

    good luck!

    help me,;...


  11. yes its fair cuz ur still young and wat the **** were u guys doin in there and ur to young to have sexx and thts wat they thought u were doin and if u get prego its ur fault

  12. Um i dunno. U should have asked permission 1st. My mum knows my bf and i are sexually active. . . Im pregnant. So she lets us bath and shower together without bathing suits, im 14 hes 17. But we not allowed to when my dads home although he knows that im pregnant he just rather pretend it was wind pollination.

    But all parents are different. U guys could still have done stuff if u were wearing bathing suits. But rather ask permission next time.

  13. Yeah. They have a right to ground you, they are your parents and they're scared that you might do something you'll regret.

    Sit down with them and tell them you really weren't going to do anything (if that is the truth) and that you understand the consequences of s*x. What you did wasn't appropriate at all. They'll still be worried, but it's only 'cause they care, even if you're tired of hearing that. Quit doing silly things like that. You can have a healthy relationship without s*x.

    You'd be surprised how many problems communication can solve.

    If I caught my daughter doing that, I'd beat her senseless! :D

    By the way, that must have been EMBARRASSING!

  14. im 16 too but uhh..if i caught my daughter in a shower with her 18 year old boyfriend i would ground her for so long she would be pale with the lack of sunlight.

  15. hahaaa i love doing that me and my ex-boyfriend used to always do that =)

    His parents wouldn't care, we would sit and take baths in our bathing suits.

    My parents would have been pissed.

    Nahh there not over reacting.

    There just afraid your gonna end up pregnant.

    That's what my parents told me..

    We have all those rules and things without being caught in the shower.

  16. I say good on you i don't think it matters if you weren't like having s*x if you were just kissing or something they shouldn't over react like that.  bye bye

  17. but uhhhh...what exactly were you two doing? it doesn't matter if you both have bathsuits on...the fact is you're both in the shower (nearly) naked, and another thing is he's 18! he's considered an if I were you, I wouldn't be doing that kind of stuff, and wait til you're at least 17 and a half...
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