what should i do about this girl??
shes in my science class for the upcoming school year. she deff. has a case of full-blown bitchiness. her friends all think she is like god's gift to this earth. but everyone outside her group pretty much hates her. dont get me wrong, she is not like the queen of the high school kind of thing. she just thinks shes all that. i am so tired of her being condecending to everyone when no one actually likes her. i am going to have to deal w/ her ALL YEAR!!! she flirts w/ all the boys and she is pretty much a s**t. it just bothers me how all her friends think shes great. i am not a mean person so i dont wanna get in a fight or anything. i just dont know how to take this girl. please help me.
PS... haha in case you got the wrong idea, i am not like, the little loser girl or anything like that. we are pretty much at the same level, social-standing-wise. i just cant deal w/ her anymore.
please how can i deal w/ her??