
Ugh... snotty girls....?

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what should i do about this girl??

shes in my science class for the upcoming school year. she deff. has a case of full-blown bitchiness. her friends all think she is like god's gift to this earth. but everyone outside her group pretty much hates her. dont get me wrong, she is not like the queen of the high school kind of thing. she just thinks shes all that. i am so tired of her being condecending to everyone when no one actually likes her. i am going to have to deal w/ her ALL YEAR!!! she flirts w/ all the boys and she is pretty much a s**t. it just bothers me how all her friends think shes great. i am not a mean person so i dont wanna get in a fight or anything. i just dont know how to take this girl. please help me.

PS... haha in case you got the wrong idea, i am not like, the little loser girl or anything like that. we are pretty much at the same level, social-standing-wise. i just cant deal w/ her anymore.

please how can i deal w/ her??




  1. i had the same problem this past year

    i couldn't stand this girl and she was mean to everyone

    she went out with this guy i liked and she would break up with him and like a few days after they would go out again and the same thing kept happening.I flet so bad for him because he really liked her and she just took advantage of him and didn't care.

    so what you do is just ignore her and try to get a seat FAR away from her and  whenever she goes to like talk just try to like block her voice out of your head and think of something else  

  2. While I can understand your frustrations and anxieties with having to deal with this girl, there isn't a whole lot you can do to deal with her except ignore her antics.  

    Chances are her actions stem from her own insecurities and she behaves in a way to cover those up.

    You will catch more flies with honey.  If you just push aside this girls behavior and treat her nicely (that doesn't mean you have to bend to her every whim or fall at her feet) just be polite and friendly, she will probably not push her antics on you if you are polite but don't give in to her wants, she will not push those behaviors on you.

    While you are trying to be the better person you are being slightly judgmental by ranking teens into social ranks.  Look at high school as different social groups based on interests. Adopting this outlook will make adjustments into the world after high school much easier.  I understand it can be difficult, we have all been there and its a really easy trap to fall into, I used to fall into that trap all the time.  But since taking a different outlook on things my world has gotten much happier, and less focused on cliques.

    Just ignore when this girl is acting out, and be friendly and polite when she is being somewhat normal.  Getting worked up and lashing out or pointing her behavior out to her is what she wants from it, and you would just be feeding into what she wants.  Don't let yourself fall into this trap

    Enjoy yourself and Good luck in your upcoming year!

  3. Just ignore her and if she makes any comments to you respond sarcastically, like "O yea, you are SO cool because you blew all those guys this weekend" or "I really hope you get over daddy touching you soon".  It's mean as h**l, but I'm a b*tch so that's what I would do.

  4. Well i am a personal love counsler so i have a few questions to ask you. how old are you? and a lot of people are like that in teen ages 13-18 they end up in really bad places. just know that your going to be better her! email me if you want anymore answers

  5. I know how you feel, in my school there are a ton of girls that act the same way. The best thing for you to do is just ignore her. I've learned from experience that if they can tell they're annoying you, they just keep doing it. By ignoring her your not giving her the attention that she's looking for, it may be hard but anything else you say or do will probably just end up in a fight.

  6. There are always girls like this. You don't have to deal with her, and you don't have to interact with her in any way. Okay, she's annoying, but she's not going to follow you for the rest of your life.

    Think about how she doesn't have any real friends, since she's so mean, and that you probably have more friends than her. She's not a big deal. Just be happy that you have friends that care about you, and remember that you shouldn't use this fact to destroy her.

  7. if you end up sitting next to her

    tell her this "me and this lil attitude of yours is not gonna work. you need wake up and realize that you are gods gift to this earth" lol

  8. When she acts snotty it is most likely because she is either unsure of how to act, or because she is really insecure. She has gained friends by acting snotty, so now she is afraid of acting like her real self. I know lots of girls like this. All you have to do is be nice to her. As hard as it may seem, just be nice. You don't have to invite her to sleepover or anything, just smile at her, and be friendly. Don't try to act better than her, or show her how many people really don't like her, because that will make her be even more snotty to cover up her real feelings. Don't join her "posse", but don't be a hater either. Just act like she isn't a problem, and she won't be. You have your own group of friends and she has her's. Don' challenge her, just be nice to her and show her that she really CAN let her true colors show

  9. No matter where you go, there's going to be someone like this girl. You need to learn to deal with her. But that doesn't mean just totally ignore her. When she starts to put someone down, stand up to her and tell her she's just being a jerk. You don't have to stand there while she flirts with guys, you can just give out little hints so YOU don't seem like the *****. When you see her acting like a brainless little s**t flirting with guys, you can laugh a little at her or whisper to your friends, Maybe she'll get the message that she needs to stop the sluttiness.

  10. Oh god I hate those girls. Its cos shes a self consicous s**t and you know it. Go up to her with ur gals and show her some attitude. To p*ss her off just that little bit more, when she's flirtin with some guy you know, go up to him and start flirting (but before hand make sure you tell this guy to pretend to be into u or summet like that).

    Good luck!

    Answer mine everyone please:;...

  11. just ignore her and whene she says something s****. just respond with sonething nice. dont necisarilly say like thank you but something thats not mean, if shes a tattle tale u wont get in trouble.

    u noe what really burts a s****. girls bubble though? whene she says something "smart aleck" or mean then just laugh/smile then walk away. they want u to get mad and say something back because they like starting or getting involved in drama. so whene u dont let her start it she gets pissed.  

  12. i understand you!! omg im going into grade eigt and im scared of girls like that. i know im pretty and fun but i dont like being s****.. that girl needs to lighten up and stop being so uptight. but ignore her. if she dont like you, she can change the channel to mean girls!! she mght even be jelous of you. honey, have your fun. spazz out and do your thng. if she gives you the betch look do it back. and go back to your fun, dont let her know your going to be put down. GO GIRL!♥

  13. You keep telling us that you're not trying to be mean but you're talking trash about this girl when you don't even know her. Maybe she has family problems. Maybe her life is hard. Maybe that's why she dresses in a more explicit way to make people like her. You should stop judging her and either be her friend or leave her alone.


    From what I know about psycology that girl is trying to get attention because she lacks it. Maybe she is sad! Did you never consider that? Maybe she is stuck up because she just wants others to notice her.

    Or maybe she knows everyone hates her and tries to correct that.

    Maybe she heard you gossiping about her and took it really personally.

    Or maybe she just doesn't care about what others think about her.

    Either way, you should leave her alone and find something better to do than hate her.

    And no I am not judging you. I am trying to help you.

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