
Ugh someone help!!!!!WAT SHOULD I DO?

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since i was little i have really liked motorcycles, mainly quads, but the past few months i have really gotten into motoX...i asked my parents for a bike but my dad says girls cant do motoX (stupid i know), that motox is wayyy to dangerous, motoX riders are born with the passion, blah blah, you serious about this motoX thing and when i set my mind to something i can do 3 years ill be 18 but i want to start as soon as possible..just something about fast rides and bikes you can i convince my parents to buy me a bike?...girls need to get out there in the motoX world!..i know i can be a good rider because im detrmined to work hard and train like crazy..i will do anything it takes1 i really will..ahhhh! HELP!




  1. You need to present your case to local businesses and get them to sponsor you, so you can buy your own bike and get out there...I am sure there are plenty of businesses who would be thrilled to be the first to sponsor a female motox racer...if you were nearer to us, we most certainly would!  You go, girlfriend!!  :)

  2. yeahh i can understand why your parents think motocross is too dangerous, because it is.

    my family is really into the sport.

    my brothers, me, and both my parents ride.

    its  really a great family sport.

    get some info for your parents and show them all the safety items you have to wear to protect you.


    i know a lot of girls that ride.

    the more the merrier.


    good luck.

  3. the best thing you can do is ask your dad to go with you to a MOTOX event. then he will see that girls can and do race. my daughter has been racing since she was 9. she has raced some very big events. that is not to say that she will ever race professionally nor is she the fastest kid on a bike. she just loves it and it is something that drives her to study hard and do well in school. look up a girl by the name of Ashley Fiolek. (not my daughter). not only is she one of the most dominant girls in motox she has beaten many of the fastest boys in the US. add to that she is deaf and you can see why so many people look to her for inspiration. for your part you can show your parents that this is something you really want by doing wellin school and reading everything motocross you can find. if you want to know more lookup diamondgirlkate on myspace. she would love to help you as much as she loves racing

  4. im 15,, and im into motocross as well,, show your parents that you are determined to this, and nothing else matters. Try to save up money on your own to buy a cheap dirtbike, then when you show your parents your good enough, maybe then they can buy you a better dirtbike,, and you can go out there and win some contests =D        Good luck to you!

  5. Your parents are worried that your going to lack on your education, even after high school. "I do see their point of view". Now it's your job to convenience them that your school work is not going to suffer and you also have to promise them if your grades start dropping that you will take a break from riding/racing dirt bikes and make your grades right(this will show them responsibility and dedication on your part) That will impress them and they will be more supportive in what you want to do.

    This means you will have to find a part time job, so you can save some money for your racing/maintenance or for extra medical insurance(your going to need it, just in case).

    If you know what dirt bike you want, I suggest getting the repair manual and start reading it and memorize it from cover to cover. This is going to help you save money on maintenance if you do it yourself.

    Call around to some of your local MX tracks and ask if they know someone that teaches MX riding/racing or Motorcycle Dealerships and ask for the parts counter(because the parts counter people always know more than the salesmen).

    The reason you have to do all of this is you have to show your parents how serious you are about racing......Now, I'm not trying to scare you.But, your are going to get hurt racing just to let you know, It's happen to all of us that race and your parents know how dangerous it is. So, this is where you get creative and tell them....Girls that play soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, track, football,etc. all have broke bones, bruises, scars, dislocated and even have had concussions and over three quarter of them can't play in their sport that they love because they are told they can't....Motocross racer always rides injured Men, Women, Children it doesn't matter, Because it's the love and the thrill and also Motorcycle Racing in general does not discremante because your injuried..... Injuries make other people nervous, because your going to come back stronger and faster than ever.

    Good Luck

        Hope to see you on the circuit

               (My son races)

  6. you should tell them if they get you one that you will pay them back when you get the $$$

  7. first of all i like girls who ride motorcycle i dont know why but maybe because if girls try motorcyle that means they have something in them..but tell you what im sure you will have a accident i hope its not so bad..cuz when i was 15 i did had a 3 times accident which is not so bad to stop me doing it but now im 19 and got my motorcycle stolen arghh! i wish i could had find it but anyways i would recomend to not stop convincing them in the end trust me you will win haha. and also if possible get some friends who do motorcycle so if you bring them at your house your mom will have some thoughts that it will be ok for you to ride one cuz its safer when someones watching..  and yea i had an accident cuz of my stupidness first i try donuts and sometimes it just hit my leg and burn them from the pipe second i ride at night without a light i didnt see anything except when i was down and saw 10x10 rock in front of me.. but in racing like running in 100 kmh never happen to me haha i got lucky!   but hey accidents always happen..even though its not your fault.. i do remember someone who got motorcycle hit me 90 degrees i was trying to cross the road and he didnt se me he was running probably about 60kmh but nothing happens to me i just flip in the air not even a single bliss or hurt..this happen in front of my uncles house haha and you know what i know the guy who hit me my really small world eh.

  8. Your parents must still live in the old century, there are such things as female motocrossers. As for being dangerous, there is an element of danger in it, but as long as you have the protection that is required, you should have no problem. First off you need to find a school that teaches motocross, David Bailey is such a school.

  9. try with something more simpler. like taking some lessons if you didnt already. and then step it up to higher levels and make your way up. when you're parents see how good you are at first, they'll realize that you can handle it.

    good luck!

  10. ........... and how is this a racing question?

    This should be in the Transport section under Motorcycles.

  11. It's a hard sell to get your parents on board with racing - probably not even because you're a girl but just because they don't want their child to get hurt.

    You said when you set your mind to something you can do wonders.  Your best bet is to set your mind on working and saving your money.  They might take your request more seriously if you can pay for half or all of the bike.

    You can probably find a used one to train with for a decent price.

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