
Ugh <span title="god.......................?">god.........................</span>

by  |  earlier

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Jeez, I just started my period. Not for the first time though. I hate my period, so leave me some inspiration or something. thanks.




  1. Hey, so did I! Take two pamprin (even if you don&#039;t have cramps, it helps grouchiness too) and watch a movie before you go to bed!

    Something inspirational though? hmmmmm.... sells shoes for cheap. And there are completely nude pictures of Daniel Radcliff online. Just google it.  

  2. wow, there are millions of females who go threw it.

    stop complaining, if i gave u my list, ud pass out from reading.

    seriously just bc i am a &quot;guy&quot; doesnt mean i dont have worse stuff than that to deal with.

  3. at least you aren&#039;t like me and have unexpected extremely heavy periods and cramping that makes you want to die because i have policysticovarian happy your normal and not pregnant and actually can get pregnant.

  4. Why don&#039;t you like your period??? PLEEEEEASE LOVE IT!

    Just think: periods keep the health balance of your reproductive system in check by getting rid of the old stuff out of the system. It marks a new beginning, a new cycle-----you should see it with a refreshing angle!

    And here are your inspirational words:

    &quot;A girl----the life energy in cyclic form. With their own blood the women write the rhapsody of life using the rhythm of the Moon, and what can I do but to bow before the Sisters and love them with all my heart? O mighty Sisterhood, may my sincere admiration pleases you... it is the only wish from a humble pilgrim...&quot;

    Hank L, 1987---

    (Sorry if it&#039;s not so poetic ;) )

  5. at least your not pregnant.

  6. I love my period!!!!! It means I&#039;m not pregnant and I love it because its your body&#039;s way of flushing out nasty that you don&#039;t need. It makes you healthy down there its awesome women hood. You&#039;ll love it and miss it more when you hit the last stage of your life.

  7. It can be hard to endure, especially if they are painful, but just remember it is all part of being a woman and being a woman is not so bad, it means that everything is working right and someday when you are ready to have children, your body will know what to do

  8. Well half the world is going through the same thing you&#039;re going through, so that should be encouraging.

    It&#039;s just how God made us:)

    Which sucks.

  9. at least you&#039;re not pregnant that should be an inspiration

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