
Ugh the dreaded lice question?

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My sister in law is still in middle school, her school started the last week of july. she got lice from her locker partner. we had her stay the night a week and a half ago and she used one of my pillows. then a few days later we found out she had lice. I just found out today I have lice, Ive treated my husband and myself- he had no symptoms. weve cleaned our sheets & pillow cases. what else do we need to clean? how can I try to avoid it coming back? I called my sons pediatrician, he said since he has very little hair he doubts connor will get it, but to watch him close. any advice is much appreciated. btw my son is 5 months old. Ive just never had lice in my household before so were at a loss of what to do. thanks again!




  1. Take all stuffed animals and put them in plastic bags and seal it for a few days.  Wash any clothing that was out, vacuum the couch cushions and everything.  Treat it as you would if it were fleas.  As long as you clean everything it should not come back.  Vinegar is good at killing it also (use it on your hair to make sure its gone.) I know it smells bad, but its chem free.

  2. clean



    stuffed animals in a bag or throw them away

    wash all te bedding in HOT HOT water.





    clothing(coats, jackets, etc...)

    sterilize your brushes combs

    get some lice spray and spray all of your furniture and bedding down with it including your car.  (Seats, carpet, infant carseat, etc...)

  4. vaccume every surface wash everthing

    and as fr as getting it out of the hair this may sound wierd

    but use mayyonaise kepp it in your hair for like 8hours it will smuther all the lice and eggs

    then comb the hair with a lice comb

    it will get rid of the lice and make ur hair soft ind healthy

  5. Everything in your house needs to be cleaned.  Any blankets you have used between now and then.  couches, chairs, pillows need to be sprayed with Lice Spray.  Stuffed animals and things of that nature should be put in plastic bags tied for 2 weeks.  You can't really prevent lice.  Lice actually like clean hair.  Your sister in law should place anything that comes into contact with her head into her sleeve as to not touch her Neighbors stuff.  She should not share brushes or hats.

  6. Lavendar or cedar essential oil will repel lice.  Diatomaceous earth on the carpeting and furniture.

    Both of these treatments are safe (though care should be take with pure essential oils which can be skin irritants or even toxic in large enough doses)

  7. Throw away brushes and combs (or boil water and soak them in it)

    Place all stuffed animals in trash bags for 6 weeks (or throw away)

    Wash ALL bedding in hot water and then dry in dryer

    Treat all heads in the house (and then use coconut shampoo for awhile after that- apparently lice don't like coconuts)

    Bomb the house (they make lice bombs)- then vacuum

    Before replacing all of the bedding- spray lice spray on the mattresses.

    **This may seem like overkill, but trust me- you want to get rid of them or you could end up with resistant lice.... My daughter had it one year as she has visitation with her dad every other week in the summer. Her hair was really long and it would take me 3.5 hours to comb through it- she hated it and we both cried...I eventually got them all, but it was a never ending battle that summer. I will never forget it- and now I go spazzo whenever there is a lice outbreak at her school.

    You can also use vegetable oil- I used that the last time her school had an outbreak and it worked well. I poured vegetable oil all over her hair and then wrapped it in saran wrap to suffocate the nasty bugs. Then used vinegar to pick out the nits. She hated the smell but she hasn't had lice since. lol

  8. I'm one of those people that are paranoid about bugs.  Although I'm sure you've handled it appropriately and there is no more threat, I'd go to the store and get some of those "bug bombs".  Just set them off an leave the house for a few hours, then deep clean when you get home.  That's just me though.

  9. Buy the spray made by RID. Spray all your furniture and carpets. Boil all of your combs and brushes, accessories etc etc. Any clothes you wore should be washed in Hot water.  

  10. if your worried about your son get some hair conditioner water it down into a spray bottle spray his hair the bugs cant stick to it do this for a few days and he well be fine i would even use sim sorberline cream in his hair if your that worried the should be long gone by now from what i was told they don't live long after they leave the head

  11. I have had lice once in my life.  It was when I was grown.  I got it from a friend of mines children I was baby sitting.  I was horrified.  I have really long thick hair.  I had just washed all the towels and bed linens in my house and tossed them on my bed to fold later when I found out I had lice.  So I got to rewash EVERYTHING again.  Not to mention buying the lice spray and spraying down every surface of everything that ever came in contact with me and my friends children.  Plus, I do have dear wonderful friends.  Three of them came over and helped me comb the nits out of my hair after I washed it twice with the lice shampoo.  

    Oh and also, my friend found out that her boys got it from a little kid down the street they play with.  She told his parents, and they did not treat him.  So the next time he came down to her house, she treated him and shaved his head.  She shaved her boys too, and her husband.  I never had any trouble with it after that.  


    Buy the Spray and the Shampoo

    Wash EVERYTHING in super hot water

    Spray everything down

    Use the shampoo and comb out any eggs.  

    I would even shampoo again and spray again two weeks later.  

    Read the back of the RID box, I think that's what it suggests.

    Good Luck.

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