
Ughh bracess help!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i went to the ortho. yesterday and i got informed i need braces . im 14 and goin into highschool.. well can you guys tell me wht i should exspect when i get them and what types of foods i cant eat. oh and are there any stylish braces ? lol

and which braces should i get ... heres a photo.




  1. Well, for the foods, you just have to stay away from ice, hard candy, and popcorn (though I broke those rules)...

    As for what to expect, you go in once a month to get them adjusted (new bands, colors, etc.) - depending on what they do, they hurt (only very lightly) for about 2-3 days. Advil or Aleve helps a lot. Also, during the beginning months, I'd recommend getting wax to put on your braces so your gum won't get scratched.

    As for the kind of braces, a friend of mine had Invisaline and it did not work well. The regular kind, or so I've seen and experienced works best.

    You will not regret it!

    Here's more information:

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