
Ughh how am i supposed to deal with this family?

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my mom i dont even know with her one day shes all nice to me then she starts yelling at me over nothing!!! ugh she lets my sister [11] run the house! that kid could get away with murder if she tried my mom just dont pay attention. all the sh*t she does now i would be in sooo much trouble if i pulled that at age 11. my sister jus starts hitting me and i relly dont get in trouble 4 hitting back but the thing is i dont wanna fight all the time i want my mom to start yelling at her and take things away. my sisters also like really jealous too like idk whats wrong with her like im 16 andd i have a 6 year old little cousin who wants to be with me 24/7 and whenever hes with my sister and sees me he will run and hug me screaming MELISSAA!!!!!! aand she starts yelling how i try and steal him from her, honestly why would i do that?

my grandmother i dont no whats going on with her lately she has just been really mean like shes not talking to me she ignores me she wont even look at me!

my father always sides with my mom [who sides with my sister] or my grandmother

i been just staying in my room but they come in

i cant escapeee

what am i supposed to do :(




  1. this will get them to wake up....tell your parents that you feel you must be a problem child because everybody gets along with everybody else except you ....tell them you think you need to see a therapist so you can be a better person......that will shake them up quick it will make you look good because you are blaming yourself for all these things instead of them ..... it will make them realize they are not being fair to you... plus they won't want to spend money on a therapist .

  2. i live with my mom and two sisters and im the youngest and have this problem too. a lot of people feel this way but if its that bad i would run away. but im not suggesting it. i tottaly feel for you. suggest counseling. or even better, you could record them secretly then show them at another time how unfair they were being.  

  3. Write a letter to your mom or dad/both.

    explain everything about how you feel, how you want a close relationship with them and their trust, and with your sis too....but that you feel isolated and singled out and that you cant confide in them about anything as things currently stand...but that u really would like and need things to change.

    they cant ignore a letter. maybe give it to them wen they wont be distracted, like before they go to sleep, and then say ud like to talk things over in the morning.

    your sis is just jealous of u. annoying but totally normal. try to bond with her. ask her how her day is goin, offer to help with homework a few times and play around with make up with her. she'll learn to see u as a confidante and not a threat.

    your 16 and things r tough wen ur 16 without all this drama!

  4. Sixteen is a tough year.  You will soon be an adult and the childhood jealousies, misunderstandings and lack of privacy will be left behind.  I know it is difficult but try let some things go by without reacting to them.  If you sister starts yelling at you or your mother gets after you try to stay calm.  Think about something like "How would I handle this situation if I was an adult?"  Leaving childhood behind is a long process but if you act mature then hopefully your family members will start treating you with respect.  Also, show them respect and mind your manners.  Do something nice for your mom, sister and grandmother.  It will shock them but might create good will.  Best wishes!

  5. Request they take you ALL to family counseling. If they say no, talk to your counselor at school, they should be able to do something about it. Most of all keep your head held high while you're going thru all this stuff. Good luck~

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