
Ughhh im so frustrated?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is a freshman hitting on my brother whos a junior and shes mad at me cuz im mad at her cuz it creeps me out ALOTTT shes kinda a w***e but shes one of my best friends and its creepy cuz i know she would date him even though she says she wont

am i wrong to be like creeped out by this?

i know i shouldnt be mad but i am so deal but is it REALLY wrong to be creeped out?




  1. just  tell  them

  2. You have every right to feel and think whatever you like. The thing here is that you are really no better than her. What sort of a person freely calls their ''best friend'' a w***e? Real nice!?

  3. I do not believe you are creeping out, you seem like you really care about your friend so there no need to worried

  4. i dont understand how old a fresh man or a junior is... im from australia. if the age gap is more than 2 years, then yes, it is creapy.

    cant she find another guy to hit on? how many are there in this world?

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