
Ughhhhhh. My boyfriend left me because im pregnant?

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What do i do. My momdont want me in the house and im really confused. Im only fourteen. What do i do? And PLEASEEEEEE NOOO negativeee things




  1. Your mom will come around.  Just relax take it a day at a time.  Everything will work out in the end.  If you boyfriend doesn't want you let him go.  He isn't worth it.  This coming from a 26 year old.  Been there done that!

    Your mom needs time to come around and come to grips.  You are 14.  I think I would flip too!!!  Just don't be mean to her and try to understand where she is coming from. Maybe you should try and sit down with you mom and tell her all of your concerns about it.

  2. Go to and see if there is a birthright in your area.  They can give you info on housing and insurance and any other info you might need in your situation.

  3. You mom is probably just hurt. And it will probably take some time but since you are 14 she legally cant kick you out. She could get in trouble for neglect. Try and talk to her about it. Your bf not being there makes it evens harder and your mom should be the one other person you can go to. If not talk to other family and friends. There will be someone out there to help you.

  4. adoption

  5. well if your 14, I suggest you do whatever your Mom suggests you do.  Your just a child.  

  6. You need to go to children's services if you don't have a relative who can take you in.  Or you can use the internet to look up homes for pregnant teens.  You really don't have a lot of options, and I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, but you need someone to take care of you during this time.

    Take care and good luck.

  7. what you can do is abort the baby or put it up for adoption.  since your mom doesnt want you to be in the house any more, stay with some one you know.  Start a new life

  8. Well, that is typical for a young man these should try to get your family's support if you plan on raising this child!! It is tough to do alone!!! You may even think about adoption....that could be a good resort for you and your child!! Good luck to you!!

  9. your 14 and pregnant.. you going to get negative comments...

  10. 14 and pregnant ?.  Wow. Maybe you should have kept your little legs closed. I'm also interested in knowing how old is this "boyfriend" of yours was. We really have to stop adding on to this teen pregnancy statistic.  

  11. Call a teen crisis hotline and they should be able to locate a local shelter for you until you find a permanent solution.  If at all possible, see if you can stay with extended family (Aunts, Grandparents?).

    If you have not already done so, go to your local hospital to get checked out, they should give you some prenatal vitamins and they can also help you find a shelter.

    My hearts with you, stay strong.  

    971-233-TEEN (teen hotline)

  12. Contact children's services in your area. They can help you.

  13. Do you have a friend or someone you can stay with? If not, maybe you could try a woman's shelter if your mom won't let you stay at home?

    I'm sure your mother's reaction will be just temporary, until she gets over the shock of the situation. I'm sure she won't allow you to become homeless - you just need to remember that this is a stressful situation for her as well, and she may need some time to come to terms with things. I'm not saying that her kicking you out is right, just that she is upset as well.

    As for your boyfriend.. I don't know what you can really do about that. My husband got a scared when we found out I was pregnant (we weren't married when I conceived), and he was 29 years old! So definitely not a teenager! Guys don't really become parents until the baby is born.. and with young teens like your boyfriend it could take even longer. If he wants nothing to do with the baby once it is born, you could always try for child support through the court. Not sure how that works in this kind of a situation though? The only people I've ever known to go through child support cases were adults with jobs. Either way, I would consult a lawyer to see what can be done.

    I hope things go well for you, although you've now carved yourself a difficult life. Things like finishing high school, going to college, getting a career are all going to be more difficult for you - but you can do all of them if you set your mind to it! Raising a child is hard work, and the fact that you are still a child yourself will make it that much harder! I hope at a minimum you've learned a valuable lesson, and will get yourself on birth control as soon as you have this baby.

    And just remember... if you decide you don't want to raise this baby on your own, there are thousands of wonderful people out there who would love to adopt your baby! You have several options available, you just need to decide which one is for you!

    Good luck!

  14. do you know for sure you are pregnant as you hadn't took a test yesterday, did you do one today?

  15. First I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Put on and pull up your big girl panties.  Your Mom is as most Mom's would be hurt, disappointed and worried for you and it comes off as anger.  Sit down with your Mom and admit that you made a bad choice and you realize that you have brought unnecessary trouble home.  Admitting your mistakes are the first step to getting things back on track.  Next, be ready to make some hard sacrifices.  When you bring life into the world you and YOU alone are responsible for it.  You made the choice to do what it took to get it and you will need to be adult enough to take on the responsibility of it regardless of how it changes your life.  Stay in school and study hard because you will need it.  If your Mom sees you  take on the mature attitude that you will need in this crisis she will be more willing to help you.  Do not make the mistake of expecting this to become your Mom's baby.  She doesn't owe you anything at this point since you decided by your actions you are adult.  So remember what she does is out of love.

    Be Blessed

  16. I absolutely agree with the person who suggested calling Child Protective Services and I'm suggesting this against your mother.  She may not be happy with the fact that you are pregnant, but throwing you out isn't going to change those facts and sounds like it would be just as negligent on her part.

    There is a saying.  "Two wrongs...don't make a right."

    14 years old is way too young to be pregnant and definitely too young to have to deal with an abusive or controlling parent who is threatening homelessness.  A parent has a right to be upset about this happening to her child, but with threats that offer no support, it would be easy to see how you could be confused.

    Also, you can call some of the phone numbers listed in the attached source.  There is a America's Crisis Pregnancy helpline, Young and Pregnant Helpline....etc.

    Hopefully, you can find some answers with the gazillion number of questions you may be struggling with at the point.

    Hope all works out!

    P.S.  As far as the boyfriend, wait 4 years until he has a job.  Then make him pay for playing.  Sorry, but I can't stand men who can play, but just can't step up to the plate.  

    And, abortion was not introduced for birth control purposes.  It is just used that way now.  

  17. well if you can offered it then keep i think he might came back but who needs a dad momma's are even better.

  18. woah

    ok well ur moms not very caring if she would just kick u out like that.

    and go to a friend or another family member that will help

    if your bf left you then u can file for child support and he will have to help

    pay for the baby.

  19. Wow I'm really sorry to hear that, its quite a rough thing to go through at your age. I think you need to figure out what your options are and if you can do it, a baby is very demanding and so is a toddler... Will you be able to financially support a baby?  and be able to give that little baby all the time and attention it needs and deserves?

    I think you need to look at what your options are, You could have the baby, have an abortion if you believe in that but just understand that it is not a form of birth control, or there always adoption there are are a lot of couples out there dying to have a baby but cant!! Hope this was helpful good luck with whatever you choose to do!!!

  20. Go to the library and research for the nearest women's shelter, and see what advice they can give you. At least you'll have a bed for the night.

  21. Abortion or adoption. Youngling, you have so much life ahead of you. You can't raise a child right now. You're still a child yourself. No disrepect is intended.

    I wish you the best......

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