
Ugly Cat..what do you think?

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Everybody says my kitten is ugly..but I think shes cute =]

Anyways what do you think?

She also has this really red nose lately.

And what breed is she?

I just got her.[/IMG]




  1. Since I've got a cat almost exactly like her I think she is adorable!  She is a domestic short hair

  2. why should it matter what other people think of your cat, just what you think of your cat.

  3. I'm not a big cat fan, but that's a cute cat!

  4. Ugly?? I think she is a beautiful girl. From the M on her forehead I would say she is a domestic American tabby cat. I have had two cats in my lifetime that had the same M on their foreheads and that's what they were. So, disregard what your so-called friends say about her being ugly and  love on her as much as she will allow you to and for as long as you can. After all don't they say a dog has an owner and a cat has a staff. Good Luck and have a fun life with your beautiful little girl.

  5. a cutie

  6. She's not ugly at all, she's very cute.

  7. She is not ugly, and probably gives lots of love.  My guess is that the vet record would state DSH, meaning domestic short hair.  That means a blend of many different breeds. In a way that is a bonus, since that means she is a survivor of survivors and will probably live a long and healthy life.

    Hopefully, since you just got her, she has already had or will shortly have a vet appointment, for a complete assessment to catch anything early, such as worms or ear mites (easy to treat, and common in kittens) and a schedule of vaccinations and a spay in the near future.

  8. HE just needs pizza.

  9. well since you asked ....yes thats one ugly cat

  10. She's really cute people are just jerks sometimes

  11. "and moonlight or whatever I never said my cat was ugly..i just want to know what you think about put that in your juice box and suck it :D"

    ouch, hope i never upset you.

    cute, domestic short hair. it has some tabby markings, which is not the breed, but the color, but it does not seem to have full tabby markings.

    did you notice the "M" on his fore head? google "tabby". i cant tell from this pic, but it does not seem to be a full "M".

    so, he is a mix.

  12. She is adorable!

  13. who on earth would say she is ugly !!

    she has gorgeous eyes..

    as for the breed ..I cant tell do you have another pic?

    she might be Turkish Angora( is her hair long?)..... domestic Short Hair

    dunno another pic would confirm it.

  14. Awww, that kitten is not ugly, I think she's cute too :)

    I'm no cat expert, but she looks like a domestic short hair (which can come in many colour variations);

    A red nose in a cat is not in itself a symptom you hould be overly concerned with. But if she develops any other problems you should take her to a vet. Good luck with your new kitten ^_^

  15. she's adorable looks like my Nibbles when she was a kitten

  16. Aww she is beautiful! She's got gorgeous eyes!

    Breed... moggy. Most cats are. But it's kind of difficult to tell from the pic.

  17. she's adorable!!

  18. Is not ugly.

  19. She's not ugly.  I used to have an ancient, one-eyed tortoiseshell.  That was an ugly cat.

    She's a domestic short hair with gray and white tabby markings.  If she has any discharge (cat snot) coming out of her nose, take her to the vet.  It's not unusual for a cat to arrive at a new home with an upper respiratory infection, especially if you got her from a shelter.  But neglecting to treat a URI can lead to pneumonia, so keep an eye on her.

  20. she's sooo cute!1 She's not in anyway ugly! I call you ugly for thinking about it! She's adorable!

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