
Ugly and anorexic?......

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Last night, one of my guy friends was talking about how he preferred girls who were average sized and he went ranting about how if he can't wrestle with the girl without breaking her then he would never be with her. Then he turned around and told me that I'm too skinny, boney, and cold for anyone to want to be with or cuddle with and that I need to gain weight(I'm 5'5, 102 pounds). I don't made me feel ugly and anorexic-looking.

So what do you guys prefer? Does it really matter if she's skinny or fat(I know you don't like morbidly obese or starving skinny but ya...)




  1. Well it depends, are you naturally skinny?  Or do you worry about your weight and try to keep yourself thin like that?  That is very thin for your height, but if its just your genes then its fine.  That isnt every guys opinion and that guy was a jerk to say that to you, and isnt a good friend.   Every guy prefers something different, there isnt a typical girl they prefer.. just be confident with yourself and thats all that matters.  Im sure your beautiful.

  2. uh


    you are very beautiful as you is the guy does nothing conait the girl he looks just a picture magazine why in this world, and boy does filels appreciates that if you are conforming to a clone of x magazine I like any lineups each to its charm I do not like synthetic woman

  3. Well sweetie, the guy's a jerk for talking to you that way - even if he were interested in you, on the face of how he speaks to you I'd say he was out of contention.

    As to the rest of it - are you dieting?  Stop.  5'5" / 102 is really thin.  But if you're still putting mayo on the sandwich and enjoying a good healthy diet, then fuggedaboutit.  You're just one of those ladies who runs on the slim side.

    I'm guessing you're still a youngun.  Be warned - when you get a bit older, the metabolism can change, and suddenly you find yourself trying to pull those jeans up - what the heck?  These things fit just last week!  That kind of scenario.

  4. no offense but you're kind of insecure....who cares about what others say, are who you are, don't ever change for anyone else, change yourself because you think it's right.

  5. different strokes for different folks

    some like em big some like em small theres someone out there that will think you are venus personified.

  6. he's a pig and a pretty bad friend for saying that

    so long as you're not an anorexic, you're completely fine the way you are. Some guys like skinny girls, some like bigger ones, they're all different.

    Be thankful you're skinny! Feeling like you're chubby all the time is a lot worse.

  7. i don't really care, only shallow guys think average is nice. i can take skinny, but i also can't take fat. you seem like the perfect weight and height. you're the same height as me and you weigh about 32 pounds less than i do. but then again, i'm a skinny person too

  8. You don't really sound that skinny...How old are you? And he was a jerk for saying such things to you.  Some guys just like a little more meat on a girls bones but I really don't think you have anything to worry about he was being a jerk -.-  

  9. he's full of c**p .. jealous cause he can't get a nice slim chick like you. Slim is always in and preferred to obese or plump for most guys. All the models and stars are slim .. not anorexic but slim .. like how you probably are. So don't let ANYONE eff with your self esteem girl .. for every 1 loser like your friend who may not want you there are 10 who will!

  10. just be urself

    if u want to gain a lil weight it not goin to hurt

    do what u want to do

    thats a good weight to me

    can u go answer my question plz


  12. I like skinny girls and most of the world does thats why most models are anorexic looking

  13. i think a real decent guy would prefer someone who was healthy and at their natural weight whether that was skinny or not wouldnt matter,

    if a guy was looking from a more sexual angle, then i guess it could be either way, skinny or fat...

    Just because this guy thinks skinny is unattractive doesnt mean everyguy does..

    each to their own i guess


  14. thats how much i weigh and im 5'1

  15. You should stay how you are, one guys personal opinion doesn't mean everyone thinks the same way :D As long as your healthy, happy and not too self conscious you're fine.

  16. you do sound disgustingly thin, but you might have airy bird bones or something

    gain at least 25 pounds, preferably more

  17. i think if your confortable in yourself, a guy will like that =] i mean you shouldn't be let down when ANYBODY tells you something harsh, hav the confidence to fight back and say hey, i like the way i am lol(so corny i no but still its true) plus, there hav been some truely beautiful actors in the past that are quite tiny and guys seem to like them, so dw bout it lol

  18. ur tooo skinny hun


    gain like

    10 pounds AT LEAST plz

  19. I prefer people that are kind and considerate of their friends feelings.  Sounds like your friend needs some manners.  

  20. nah, don't worry... you're ok... it's just his preference. there are plenty of guys who still like your body type. mine is similar to yours.

  21. Sorry but you sound wayyyy too skinny, i'm 5ft5 and weigh 9 1/2 stone, i think that is the ideal weight for that height.

  22. whata jerk

  23. Don't listen to that guy, ok? Be who you want to be. You will find somebody that appreciates you for who you are. It is impossible to appeal to everyone. However, I recommend gaining some weight for the sake of your health. I put in your numbers in a BMI calculator and your BMI is 17.0, which is underweight for your height.

  24. 5'5" 102 that's pretty skinny but i like that.

  25. I guess it depends on what the guy likes. For me I like skinny girls they just look better and I like the fact that I can give them teddy hugs hahaha!

  26. Most curvy women...period..most of the time teenage boys like skinny girls...but sometimes you get a few whos minds are ahead in maturity level..and they like curvy girls at a young age...but i think for the most part of a man is a man..hes going to want a woman...not a body that looks 10 years old....5'5 102 doesnt sound like dangerously skinny...but it is really d**n small...

  27. I think youve be great to cuddle with...  

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