
Uh, will my Nintendo Wi-Fi Router work for both the Nintendo DS AND Wii?

by  |  earlier

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My friend once had Wi-Fi, but not Nintendo Wi-Fi. I was trying to explain to her to get a Nintendo Wi-Fi connector, but I'm kind of confused. I bought my connector at a Taget for $40. It came in a small, white box. But at my local Wal-mart there is the same USB connector attached to cardboard, covered in plastic, with a Wii printed on the cardboard. I don't know if it's cheaper and if it even comes with the installation disc. But the $40 dollar one will connect the Wii, allowing me to play SSBB and stuff, right? I myself was never able to try this because I never had brawl, and my computer is not compatable with NWF, so I had to use my sister's computer for my Nintendo DS. We recently bought the Wii about three months ago, and to be honest, I still don't know about a lot of it. Can someone please tell me if my expensive little USB will connect both my Wii and DS properly? Or does my friend have to buy seperate yet identical models?




  1. yea u can play with both my freind

  2. yes

  3. Not sure if you can do both at the same time, but both, separately should be possible.

    It's not really a router, but more of a bridge between the ethernet going into the computer and wireless for the Wii and DS to get the internet access.

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