
Uh Oh Please Help!!!!!

by Guest33326  |  earlier

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I am ot sure, but I have an awful migraine. I took 3 tylenol (which is my normal amount for a migraine), but I think I might have took 3 before that. I am not sure, so I have taken 6 within 30 minutes ossibly. I am 135 Lbs. Will I show any symptoms and could it be super harmful if i accidentally did?




  1. Instead of taking all those Tylenol all the time, why don't you have a checkup to see what might be causing them. Tylenol will eventually cause you liver problems. You may be low on Magnesium or your Testosterone levels may be low. A simple blood test will tell you what is causing them It could even be from something you are eating or drinking or Prescription Medications. Better than always taking pain pills. Try to find the root of the problem and there is one trust me. You probably only took the three Tylenol you normally take, so go on to bed and you'll be fine. But if you have trouble remembering when you take the pills, start writing them down and the times you took them. Also why don't you try this pressure point that will help ease headaches. With your thumb and index finger on one hand, squeeze the webbing between your thumb and index finger on the other hand and if it hurts keep squeezing on and off at the spot that hurts until it feels better and doesn't hurt to squeeze. Could find it on one hand or the other or on both hands. Just remember, if it hurts work it out. Please do yourself a favor and get some tests done so you won't have to take pills. Best of luck to you sir.  

  2. I am an acupuncturist and had been very successful in helping patients with migraines, immediate relief maybe felt after one treatment session.

    Transcranial Doppler sonography and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) research had shown that acupuncture can increase blood flow to the brain and can help the body to release its own natural chemical pain relievers called endogenous opioid peptides.

    Please do your due diligence about acupuncture and try it.    

  3. you shouldn't take that much at once - however in a 24 hour period you can have up to 4000mg (8 tablets of 500mg)

    Put an ice pack on your head and stay off the computer -that will make your headache worse. Hope you feel better soon! oh yes, don't forget to drink lots of water if you can....try and flush your body out. ... you should be fine though - just don't take more tonight.

  4. syrup of ipecac maybe

  5. My mom's a nurse, and she takes 4 at a time, but as long as your don't take like 50 with vodka, on an empty stomach, then you'll be just fine.

    The only threat would be getting a stomach ulcer, which can be caused by ibuprofen (I'm not sure about tylenol) and that's just due to always taking the pills without any food in your stomache. Really, don't worry about washing it down, because peeing every 4 minutes won't make your migraine any better. I mean, fluids aren't a bad idea (some migraines/head aches are caused by de-hydration) but as far as taking the 6 tylenol, just make sure some food's in your stomach and you should be just dandy. (yet you said you've eaten some crackers and drank some unless if was only a half a cracker and 3 drops of tea...then you should be good to go)

    Feel better!

    Just something interesting I read: Almonds are a natural cure for headaches (eat 1/2-1 cups) =) And it really worked for me, when I had a mild headache.

    p.s. don't take our words for it if you're really nervous, call a doctoror even poison control, because the ibuprofen my mom takes is only the fact that what you took is 500mg could make a BIG difference--I think poison control would be best, and you're call should be super fast. You can also make yourself puke (as gross as that is)...but then you can be sure. Count the pills...if they haven't dissolved, and then just don't take any more for tonight.

  6. OK, best bet for you to do is to sleep it off...if anything the side effect will be that you are drowsy. eat plenty and drink lots of water to try and flush it out of your system

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