
Uh i got to work tomorrow..cant be bothered, can you?

by  |  earlier

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Uh i got to work tomorrow..cant be bothered, can you?




  1. I've run out of sick days. I could phone in dead I suppose.

  2. nope, y do think im here! so i can forget i have to work tomo

  3. Nope,Nope and Nope

  4. I'm not allowed to go to work tomorrow. I had an injury at work and so I am not insured whilst my doctor says I have to be off.

    Unfortunately my other half has been off work since June with a broken ankle and DVT - so if I have to have too much time off we will be REALLY skint.

    I'd love to go to work tomorrow.

  5. i dont mind work its the night course after it....

    cud think of nicer ways to spend my late evenings!


  6. dont think about it enjoy the night talking to your friends onQ&A,,,,love sue

  7. I can`t be bothered either.I might phone in,And have a day off.

  8. let's all buy a lottery ticket on wednesday, if any of us win you gotta split it and we'll all have thursday off, and if its a really big win we can all phone our bosses and tell them where best to place their job (Using rude words and everything !!)

  9. I m a self employed hairdresser so yep i love it !!!!!

    Start and finish

    when i like :)

  10. i cannot be arsed either,  think i may work from home tomorrow and if i get caled out then do what i gotta do

    if  you worked for me i would give you all the day off fully paid  so we all coul sit on here and have a good chin wagg!!

    oh well lifes a ***** then you marry one (or so they say )

  11. No way

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