
Uh-oh! I made a Mistake with my G. Rosea! (Rose Hair Tarantula)?

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Okay so i went to go try to fix the cage of my Rose hair and the store owner gave us some more bedding for free! So I went and put the bedding in. But as soon as i poured it in I realized that it was somewhat moist. Not soaking wet.. Just moist enough that if you pinch it, it will clump. I know that Rose Hairs don't like this, but I got no idea what to do. I want to make her as happy as possible, so what should I do? She is already in there and everything.

Any idea?




  1. Let it dry.  Continue everything else as normal.  While she won't like it moist, she won't be harmed by it.  Keep the cage well ventilated to speed the drying and avoid mold.

  2. You could always take some of it out and spread it out in the sun to dry on a pan or plastic sheeting.. But, it won't hurt her to leave it like that until it dries out. It won't take more then a week or two to dry out just about completely. They do have a very brief 'rainy' season, so a week or two on moister substrate will be fine. Just don't mist it once it dries out. If it was any damper then that, then you would want to take it out and dry it. If your tarantula has an artificial hide it can stand on top of, it may make use of it.

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