
Uh oh - Media digging. Is it true Palin's fifth child(the baby) is really her grandson ?

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The news is all over Alaska! People she worked with saying she made announcement in March but that she didn't even look pregnant.

Her daughter they say, however, looked very pregnant and just happened to fade from the spotlight around the time of the baby's birth.




  1. What's out now is interesting, though certainly not definitive. But it does beg for some follow-up investigating. In short:

    - Her daughter was out of school for 4-5 months with "prolonged mono", coinciding with the last half of Palin's pregnancy.

    - Palin announced her pregnancy to her aides with only 3 months to go, which seems slightly odd.

    - She is reported not to have looked pregnant. One photo often used is at and is reported to have been taken Super Tuesday, where she was 6 months pregnant. While women show in various ways, if the date is true, it seems suspect. But I for one would need further evidence and proof of the date of the photo.

    As I said, it paints an interesting picture, and should be investigated further, but it is hardly conclusive enough for people to cite it as a fact.

  2. If this weren't so incredibly stupid, I would think it was a DNC job.  But even they aren't THAT dumb.

    This is positively laughable. "D" for effort, "F" for credibility.


  3. It's true I live in Alaska and the rumor has been going around here for a while.  It isn't some smear invented by Obama supporters.

    -Sarah announced her pregnancy when she was supposedly 7 months pregnant.  She didn't look pregnant whatsoever, nobody who worked with her knew or thought she looked pregnant.  This was her 5th kid and she is over 40, normally with age and with more kids pregnancy is more obvious, and it is pretty obvious on a woman in as good of shape as Palin.

    -She was in Texas giving at a conference when her water broke.  This was 1 month early, so one would think that would be kind of a big deal.  1 month premature isn't something to take lightly, and women with multiple kids usually have a shorter time between water breaking and birth, and Palin would know this.  But she hung out, gave a speech, then got on a plane flew to Seattle, changed planes, flew to Anchorage which took about 8 hours, then she drove nearly an hour to the hospital where she supposedly gave birth shortly thereafter.  This was on a friday.

    -She was back at work on Tuesday, looking fine and dandy, fit and skinny.

    -Her 16 year old daughter Bristol during this time had been pulled out of school with a case on infectious Mono which lasted 7 months.  Mono lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months in extreme cases, but not 7 months.

  4. Probably not true, but it is an excellent representation of Obama supporters' claims for a "clean" campaign and a new kind of politics.

  5. I guess you would prefer she had gotten an abortion.  I bet you'd be even happier if it were a partial birth abortion or infancide.

  6. Keep these rumors coming! The more false rumors, the more desperate you guys look.  

  7. Your uncle is also your father and it shows.

  8. The child is hers.  

  9. A link would be nice, because, no offense, but I don't take comments on yahoo! answers (especially in this section) as gospel.  What would be the motivation for lying about this?  A grandmother raising the special needs child that her daughter couldn't handle is an admirable quality in my book.  

  10. I never heard that, what's your websource?  And if it's true, I commend them from going to term and not having an abortion either it be Sarah's own son or her daughter's son, it doesn't matter to me.

    I myself for  those who read my comments, was raped at the age of 21. Right in my prime of college, as well as religious speaking engagments in the Catholic Church.  I was raped by a catholic man 9 yrs older than me, and he said it was to stop me from being a speaker. I think he won, cause I delivered a baby boy, and from then on I couldn't be a main speaker at any catholic function. But I kept the baby boy, and he was persecuted for being a b*****d as he was called. He grew up hating the Catholic church. And he eventually hated me for having him, cause the people who say they are Pro life, aren't really pro mother's rights, or do they care about the emotional and physical life of the mother.  That was 28 years ago, but still it left scarns on me and my son. If people say they are prolife for the baby sakes, they should care about the welfare and needs of the mother.

  11. whacko? Who do you work for and why would you even think about starting a rumer like this? People like you make the Dems look more unrealistic? Shut Up! Already!

  12. I am not a Palin supporter but I resent any false information being given out about anybody.

    Let us get the truth.


  13. No.  It is her baby and has Downs Syndrome.  The likelihood of a Down baby after age forty is significantly higher than at under thirty..

  14. Don't know--but if this turns out to be true.

    Let's see.  If this is a real story,and not just a rumor, I'd say Obaa will get about 534 out of the 538 electoral votes (AZ might stick withh him).

  15. Where are people getting this? I don't even believe it!

    Edit: lulu muffin, don't try to sugarcoat it. Even though it's not true, lying about who's the child's real mother is a HUGE deal.

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