
Uh oh.. is my eggo preggo?

by  |  earlier

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I have a few complicated questions to ask..

1. I am currently taking the pill but lately I have been starving and eating different foods i dont usually eat, like a bag of chips, 4 pizza pockets, melted cheese and ice cream.. (at one sitting) i am expecting my period in a few days and if i dont get it then ill take a test but what are some major symtoms of early pregnancy? I have gained about twenty pounds in the past two months..!

2. i am currently taking my pill once a night at 10, but want to starting taking it in the morning can i simply change it or will it not work anymore because im supposed to take it the same time each time..

3. finally, im 17 and was wondering what kind of tests i can get done besides a pap to get tested for various diseases etc..




  1. hun you can get pregnant on the pill so i would do a home test and c what happens... also in regards to getting tested for diseases, you can ask your doctor for a series of blood tests for s.t.d.s and that will pretty much cover everything.. oh and there is a urine test as well

  2. Birth control makes you gain weight. And if you dont get a period and take a test then go to the gyn-o and they can tell you what tests you need. Or call one and ask what tests they would do.

  3. I would definately see a doctor.

    I LOVE your title!

    Please let me know what happens!

    Don't wait for a missed period,

    take a test now.

    Have you had s*x?

  4. 1. your a teenager-you are supposed to eat everything in site

    2. They only came up with that rule because people were skipping pills altogether and getting pregnant then sueing the company that manufactured the pills, it shouldn't matter if you switched it right away.

    3. They can do blood tests for some of them. Like HIV and HEP B are both blood pathogens and wouldn't show up in a pap but both can kill you. Hep B you can actually get from kissing and sharing drinks not just from s*x.  

  5. one word---doctor.

  6. the pill fan make you fat. you can change times but depending on the brand it wont be effective for seven days. it depends what pill you are on the mini pill has a three hour window and the regular i think is twelve hours depending on what you take. check it out.  

  7.'re not Juno.

  8. No im sorry it's not preggo.

    It's Preggers.

  9. As for your symptoms, those could be attributed to many things, and I'm not sure I want to say its because of pregnancy.  As for taking your pill, if you want to change it, I suggest you take 1 at 10 that night, then take the next one in the morning, so more than 24 hours doesn't go by.  But I would probably also try to avoid s*x for another month to be sure.  Keep in mind though, that even taking the pill as directed does not 100% effectively prevent pregnancy. So the chances you can be pregnant now, or in the future are definitely there.  As for being tested, ask your doctor.  They will do a vaginal swab for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and a few others.  They will take your blood for syphillis, HIV, and Hepatitis.  A pap test only collects cervical cells to be tested for abnormality in regards to precancerous cells, it does not test for STD's and you have to ask to be tested.

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