
Uh school and the period!! preferable girls who HAVE there period!?

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Ok my dad said NO tampons at all so i have no freakin clue how im supposed to do gym when i have my peirod schools coming and my gym teacher is very stricked and tough so wtf am i supposed to do we play kick ball and run way to much and when i get cramps i usally end up literally falling down to the ground there that bad! what do you suggest i do?




  1. Okay well when I was younger I was petrified of the tampon and therefore had the same problem you did when participating in gym (minus the fact I was the one keeping myself from it). Anyway, I would definitely suggest taking Midol before you go into school, the medicine seriously works wonders for cramps. In addition, when I had to change for gym I simply took my clothes into the bathroom, this is also the place where you can change your pad. They sell so many different types of pads, so if you are worried about leaking you can get the heavy duty ones. However, if your not into the whole pad thing I would definetly say just go out and buy yourself some tampons.. your dad will never know, and there much more comfortable to do phsyical activity in.  

  2. I know your dad's reasons for not letting you use tampons, although its unfortunate. Pads and running do not mix. Talk to your parents, and if its still a no, I'd say get a box of tampons, leave them in a gym locker at school, and use one right before gym, then dispose of it before you get home. Eh, thats rough.  

  3. Does ur school have a dispenser in the locker room? if so use one during gym and take it out after.... u could make a comprimise w/ ur dad saying "I'll only wear it for gym and swimming then i'll take out."  I dont see the problem w/ that.  if ur locker room doesnt have a dispernser, ask a friend.


  4. go out and buy some tampons behind your dads back is all i can suggest

    or you can try like changing your pad right before you have gym so youll know for sure that it wont leak

    change your clothes in the bathroom

    or if its really that bad

    you can try going to your nurse and telling her the situation and maybe shell give you a pass to skip gym for the day or something like that  

  5. What the first girl said .

    Get them behind your dad's back !

    && take a period pill called aleve it works REALLY good .

    so good that you could only have to take it once a day

    good luck :)

  6. I don't know why your DAD was even in on a decision about tampons.  Buy them anyway.  Also see if you can be excused from gym class during days you're on your period.  There is NO reason for any girl to endure harder cramps and heavier bleeding over a d**n gym class

  7. Start taking IB profin, pamprin, or midol one week BEFORE you are due to start your period.  If your friend has her period have her buy you a box give her the money, and keep them in your locker so that you can wear them when you have gym but take it out before you get home.

  8. This is a super duper rad question because I feel you.

    Hmm, well, no tampons is a good choice on your dads part ;]

    But, yeah...I think you should just use a regular pad for sports, or just ditch sports. Or convince your mom to tell your dad you NEED tampons!

  9. go get tampons seriously, he has no right saying you cant use tampons when he has NOOO idea how a period feels and how much tampons would help! tell him that he has no idea how much you need them and explain what pads feel like when you get a heavy period and running and everything, h**l eventually get too grossed out to hear it and just let you get tampons. and if he doesnt. sneak them

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