
Uh why do alot of straight guys?

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Why do alot of straight guys think every g*y guy will try and hit on them? I mean doesn't g*y guys have preferences to (just like other people) if you're not their type, than they don't want you.

It because I know this one straight guy thats always talking about and picking on this g*y boy name William in my 12th grade year. Everytime William would pass by him, he would punch William and tell him don't even there touch him, and William told him that he was ugly and unattractive and probably a female wouldn't want him either...and he got so angry and mad. In other words why do some straight guy think that every g*y guy want to hit on them, and gets very angry once their dissed?




  1. Because they are dumb and insecure. Or just plain rude.

  2. I think it's funny when you tell them they are not your type and then they get all insecure about it. I guess they are just afraid or feel threatened by what they don't understand.

  3. straight Guys need to feel safe, that they are not going to be 'hit' on by another guy or they might be less of a man!  People are so ignorant sometimes.

  4. The g*y basher is most likely g*y him self.  He is young and confused and confronted with his thoughts of homosexuality.  He can either acknowledge how he is or repress them and be a hater.  Recent surveys have proven that g*y bashers are secretly closeted themselves.

    Think about it.  Why would a true straight guy who is secure in his own sexuality have to beat up a g*y man?  A group of straight guys will usually just leave a g*y man alone.  But it will be that one closeted self hating g*y man that will feel he has to prove how manly he is by picking on g*y guys.  He might get the others to help him bully him.  One on one the straight guys would be live and let live with the g*y guy - but with the gaybasher/closeted g*y stirring them up like a hive of angry hornets they turn mean.

    Look at Larry Craig and Governor McGreavy!  These politicians were closeted g*y politicians who tried to push anti-g*y legislation!  Yet behind the scenes they were doing other men!

    g**s worse enemy's are closeted g**s.

    Pray for the basher.  Pray he comes to terms with himself.  

  5. Eh who knows...even my best friend assumes that I want him just because I'm g*y.  lol

  6. It is just plain bullying...nothing more. Straight men would not be bothered if not interested.

  7. No not all heterosexuals think that just the stupid ones.

  8. is the same when you get older too.

    I was training a new security officer for a hospital that I work at, and some one had outed me to him befor we had even met. he is retired military and strongly believes in the do not ask do not tell. he told me weeks later that he thought that I would hit on him. (I think this is one of many mis conceptions about us).

    he also told me that because of the training I had provided he has a lot of respect of me, and he is very comfortable working with me too.

  9. Some straight guys are stupid and fear what they dont understand

  10. Straight guys, at least the ones that I know, always have an ego to protect. They become jerks when they try to defend their "manliness" sometimes.  

  11. Dear Ervin R,

    Honesty is always the best policy even if we do not like what we hear, is said to us or what we read, but it will never change the fact that it is still the truth.  Now having said all of that I will try to answer your question in a way as not to be too lightly taken.

    You pose a very interesting question for this site and one that should be addressed. Straight men think it is an affront to their manhood and are not comfortable with their own selves to understand that they are generally "not all of that and a bag of chips" as the saying goes.

    To show your superiority over another human being by using physical force is not only cowardly in our society it is also illegal.  And since you said William is in the 12th Grade then that is "BULLYING" no matter how you look at it.  Physical violence by any one on another person is wrong and is a serious violation of personal space and the individuals right to be whatever they choose to be whether it is g*y, Bi, or Straight.

    It does not make this violent person any more of a man in fact in my book it makes him less of a man and a coward that he has to Bully a young g*y man for what he perceives is to be a nasty, immoral lifestyle.  Obviously William is very sure of his own lifestyle and has chosen it for himself.  Now, that does not mean that he will not come up against problems, cause he will but it does mean that he has made a choice and he is happy with it.

    All I can say more is that you seem to be a good friend to William and I pray you stay that way.  Since it is happening in a school setting I would suggest that you let someone in authority know what is going on and try to stop the bullying of William by this less-than-a-man JERK.

    One final thing, we do at times have to be violent and protect what we believe in such as going to war for our freedom, but this is not the case with William and this person.  I hope this answers your question and that you help your friend William whenever you can. May God Bless!

  12. They are afraid of g*y guys treating them the way that they (the straight guys) treat women.

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