
Uhh...field goals are worth 3 points?

by  |  earlier

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"The league did this by awarding 4 points to field goals of more than 50 yards, as opposed to 3 points in the NFL."




  1. In fantasy, yes most leagues award extra points for 50+ yard feild goals. In the NFL though, no, every feild goal is 3 points

  2. any field goal no matter how long of a distance is worth 3 points

  3. they were thinking of doing that but the rule never got approved, but field goals used to be worth 4 points though check out the history page on the nfl site.

    hope that helped :)

  4. the ball can be on your 1 yard line, if your kicker makes a 99 yard field goal its still 3 points, i think the Canadian Football League awards 4 points if it beyond the 50 yard line

  5. Yep. All field goals are three points!

  6. They used to have 4 point field goals a long time ago but never for the reasons you talking about.  Yes they are worth 3 pts and will always be worth 3pts

  7. a field goal is worth 3 points no matter how far it is kicked from

  8. Whats your question? The NFL doesn't allow 4 points for any field goal.

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