
Uhh i just got thrown out of school?

by  |  earlier

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i do online school. and ive been getting perfect grades. all a's. and i just now got a letter saying that they are withdrawing me from the school. and that i am no longer a member. because apparently i didnt take state tests last year? i did take tests. i didn't do online school last year. but i did take the state tests at high school. the online school started me late. they didnt notify the high school i attended last year, that i was doing online. until 4 months into the school year. are they allowed to just throw me out like that?????? also my instructor hasnt called me in 3 months. she is supposed to call me every week?




  1. I'm thinking that you forgot to pay your school fees.

    Seems as if this has happened as a result of confusion and communication probs between you, your parents, your former school, this DE provider; a bit of an administrative c**k up. Maybe you should get your mum to talk to them and see if you can't work something out between all the involoved parties. Can't you just re-enrol? Or have you been black-listed?

    The only reason I can see a genuine distance education provider chucking you out over this (assuming the situation is as you've described) is if there is some local law that forbids them from registering you without proof of those tests. Do you not have some sort of record of the tests you can send them to 'prove' you did take them?

    Btw you say your teacher may not have contacted you in the past three months but have you tried contacting him/her in that time?!?

  2. well i dont think you should of got kicked out of the class because if you really think about it, its not your fault

  3. Are you sure there's not more going on?  Has one of your parents talked to the school?

    I'm thinking perhaps you had too many missing class days or uncompleted work.

    It was not the online school's responsibility to inform your previous school.  Your parents should have done that when you "dis-enrolled" in the B&M school.  There are transfer forms to fill out.

    If your teacher was supposed to call you each week and she hasn't, then you need to contact her.  Most online schools have tough rules on how often a teacher is to make contact.  Has she emailed you?  Many online schools use that as the main form of communication.

    If you haven't spoken to your teacher in three months, then something just isn't right.  There's gotta be something you're not telling us.  Have you turned in any work the past three months?  Have you logged attendance?  Attended online sessions??  Failure to do those would result in your dismissal from the school.

    Many online schools have long wait lists for students.  If students/families can't follow the school's guidelines, they will disenroll those students to allow a wait listed student to enroll.

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