
Uhh my hair is turning green?? wth?? :?...?

by  |  earlier

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like its starting to tint into a greenish blue....its dark brown?wth?

i havent swam since july,so no clorine coloring, i dont dye my hair diff. colors

usually when i wake its shiny with a greensih blue tint

everyday when i wash my hair i watch is move thru the water, and when its in the water its greener, and yes, i do bathe, its no hygene problem


help please!y is this happening? it gets worse each day, and my friend noticed it

she said it was awesome, and thoguth i had dyed my hair

i dont use any hair products, just head and shoulders shampoo, occansionally hairspray if its frizzy, which is prob. once a week

actually, if its normal, then i kinda like it, lol, my mom wont let me dye my hair, and i wanted scene hair, so if my natural color is green, then bring it on!

btw will it keep getting greener?

and no, its not iron, my family and i have the same water or w/e since i was born (im 13) and no one else in my house has it, we all use the same bathroom and stuff, my sisses hair is blonde, hers stays the same...

its not from new sheets, my sheets are old and purple lol

please help? what the heck is happening to my hair? and its not starting fromthe roots, its starting at the middle and going both directions




  1. maybe theirs pollution in your water? have someone check the water and see that everything is healthy.

  2. i dont know but i wish that would happen too me!!  well ur going green!lol. maybe if you are using a new shampoo your hair is just sdapting too it.i dont know.

  3. its most probably from clorine but it usually dyes blond hair greenish but your hair is brown maybe you should go to a hair salon

  4. You need to learn how to proofread. Also, I'm no historian, but I'm pretty sure this doesn't fall under Mythology.


  6. hi lola!!from 43 things.right?

    um yh...mabye its a sign of u becoming a mermaid!!u have tried spells.right?

    yes well mermaids have green hair..and u also mentioned this on 43 yh.i might be wrong though

  7. well... it may be your hair adapting to the shampoo your using.. so you might want to change that up..

    if you want scence hair.. then let it goo green..

    it would be so more original. lol. let itt go!!! haha

  8. well idk

    maybe your going color blind that happened top my friend and he found out he was color blind

    well idk

    maybe cause of the humidity

    did ur parent notice it?

  9. just one word : glasses

    looool and u ask in mythology & floklore

  10. if u have dyed ur hair, or have anything like highlights, then have gone into a pool, or corniated water, it will turn ur hair a bit green. if this is the case, just use some sort of swimmers shampoo after swimming.

  11. sometimes chlorination levels in tap water vary and it is chlorine that can turn your hair green when you swim. I'd test the water for chlorine levels, you may be able to get a testing kit from their a pet store or by the pool care supplies in any large store like a Wal-mart of Meijers.

  12. Your hairdresser is one of the best people to visit with this, as they are specialists in hair, so they should be able to answer your question and help you out. If you've started using a new type of hairspray, a new type of shampoo, a new type of conditioner or any type of new hair product, then that could be the cause. If you've stuck to the same brands of hair products these past few months, then maybe one of these hair products have changed their ingredients and so it's this new ingredient/lack of old ingredient that is making your hair turn green.

    If you hairdresser can't help you, then I suggest you visit a doctor.


  14. wow.  that is kind of scary..BUT COOL!!!  Maybe u rubbed brocolli in ur hair by ACCIDENT!!!!!

  15. Do you often wear your hair in a ponytail? The way you decribe it as beginning in the middle and working its way out, and no one else in your home being effected, sounds like it might be due to hairbands, hairclips or another such item leeching chemicals, metals or dye into your hair.

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