
Uhhh does anyone have any ideas????????????

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k so, when i turn 17 (2010) my friend and i are going on a roadtrip we already know where and stuff we just want some fun stuff to do in the car and when we get there. also we need ways to make money without getting jobs. can someone help us please??




  1. bring lots of fun music, and you should get jobs,you will need money

  2. Consider baby-sitting, house-sitting, pet-sitting, mowing lawns, running errands for neighbors, and/or starting a newspaper or grocery delivery route to make money. Save up at least some of your allowance.

    When I go for a long road trip with one or both of my parents, I usually take along some of my favorite tunes, as well as a good book or magazine to read and crossword puzzles to do. Depending upon how exciting (or boring) I think the trip is going to be, I might also take

    a hand-sewing project I'm working on and/or my portable chess set and a slim chess book or magazine.

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