
Uhhh please someone help me!!!!!!!!!! ?

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hey my name is maelina.. and I'm 14 years old. and i failed two classes in 8th grade so i went to summer school so i wont get held back and i did all my work and handed in my final projects and did the things i was suppost to. now the 6 weeks of school ended and i got a call that i failed the class and its ****** rediculous becuz i did everything i was suppost to. the principle told my mom tht i didnt do anything i refused to do my work and i just flirted with all the boys. which was true tht i flirted with the boys but watever im a teenage girl wat do u expect. well i had s*x with my boyfriend in the bathroom of that school but no 1 knows about that. know they are trying to hold me back!!! i did everything the right way they said that i did not hand in my final project but i did the teacher that looked at me up nd down!!!! must of thrown it out or something and said i never did it... i cant stay back in 8th grade i want to go to high school with my boyfriend nd friends... my mom is talking to the principle of the junior high and she is trying to get everyones storys together to see if they are gonna let it pass and i can just go to 9th grade. i have difficutlys understanding things that i read and answering questions and writing essays i get totally confused i just end up looking around the room... and my mom called the the principle at the summer school and told her that and she was gonna have the teacher help me more.. but he never did... uhh idk wat to do... i really wana go 2 high school what should i do???




  1. you should stay back

    having s*x in the bathroom with your boyfriend is nasty and very sluttish. you shouldnt even be having s*x at 14. do you even know what a condom is?

    i would laugh if someone walked in on you. i hope you do stay back then your boyfriend will find another girl. and you'll feel like un utter and complete s**t cuz you are. why would you flirt with other guys when you have a boyfriend? that makes you even more a s**t. s*x is supposed to be shared between two MATURE ADULTS who love and care for one another. when your out flirting with other guys that obviously means you dont love your boyfriend so why are you having s*x?

    maybe this will teach you to concentrate in school rather then have s*x during school

  2. Well, now the whole world knows that you had s*x with your boyfriend in the bathroom of that school!

    You THINK you have a teacher "looking you up and down?" Are you more concerned with your s*x life than you are with your education?

    You didn't do everything right. You admit that you have difficulty understanding things that you read...writing essays confuses you and you end up why do you expect your mother to get you out of a situation that you got yourself into? It's not her responsibility to do your work.

    Your teachers will pass you, normally, if you have the knowledge of everything you were taught. Testing you and having you do a final project is their way of knowing that. And apparently you didn't absorb the lessons because you seem too intent on flirting...and that wasn't a course you took.

  3. I am very sorry, but talk to the principal or the School of Education to discuss about this problem and hopefully that you have proof of the work that you had done during the summer school.

  4. you have to repeat

  5. I don't wish to be cruel but with an attitude, spelling and grammar like that, it is no wonder they want to hold you back.

    Think of it as a free year.  Work hard and play hard.

    By the way, 14 is not an age to be having s*x with anyone and it's illegal so I would stop doing that if I were you to avoid becoming yet another teenage mother statistic.  Then your chances of finishing high school at all are completely reduced.

  6. hate to tell you this but you are going to have to repeat. you say that you are not understanding the material it wont get any eaisier next year things are going to get harder and move faster. class is to learn not to flirt and s******g in the bathroom is trashy!!!! you need to grow up! or you will be working in fast food till you die. stop worrying about who your dateing and relize that if you keep failing you will always be looked at like a loser

  7. Find out if you have a learning disability and they will let you pass my brother has one and he passes with 63

  8. Malenia, I think you have some type of learning disability, and you need to get tested and get some help, or you are going to keep failing classes. This inability you have to understand what you are reading is very worrisome, because it indicates you have deeper issues going on. You need to talk to your parents and ask them to take you to see the doctor, and have you evaluated for a learning disability. There are several of these, and the good news is they can be treated and overcome, but you won't be able to do this by yourself, sweetie- you need help to do it, and until you get that help, this situation is not going to improve.

    As for the s*x issue- you need to be really careful. I hope, for your sake, that your boyfriend used a condom, and that you are taking the pill or using another contraceptive. Otherwise, you are going to end up a mommy yourself at age 14- and given your problems with school, how are you going to support yourself, much less a child?? You aren't even old enough yet to have a driver's license, much less a job, so how do you expect to pay for your medical bills, for food, rent, diapers, formula, baby furniture, clothes, insurance, a car seat, etc?? Your parents can't be expected to provide these things- and they aren't obliged to do so. The world doesn't owe you a living, sweetie, and it's high time you found this out. I wouldn't count on your boyfriend, either- it's likely he's only using you for s*x anyway, and he's probably going to dump you as soon as you get pregnant. No guy that age wants the responsibility of a kid, and very few of them will even admit to having slept with a girl, much less gotten her pregnant. That will mean you are going to wind up alone, and you may end up on the street, because your parents might decide to disown you, the way my mom did when my sister got pregnant as a teen. My sister is still paying for her mistake, 20 years or more after it happened- and she wasn't much older than you are now when she made it. She has to work two jobs just to keep a roof over her kids' heads and food on the table for them to eat. One of those jobs is as a home health aide- which is part time work that pays very little and has no benefits attached to it, such as child care or health insurance. How'd you like to spend your days trying to turn helpless 300 pound men over in bed by yourself so you can bathe them?? That's what my sister does for a living, Malenia.  It's hard work- she weighs less than a third of what her patients do- but it's the only way she can make a living for herself and her kids. Most of the people she takes care of are those who have suffered things like strokes, which means they are paralyzed and can't move on their own.  There are no benefits attached to this kind of work, and the salary is a joke. It's barely minimum wage- and there aren't any tips, either.  Does that sound like a fun time to you, or a fun way to live? It doesn't to me, but perhaps you are different.

    No, you need to be smart here, and get yourself to the doctor's, and get yourself tested for a learning disability. While you are at it, ask about contraception and family planning if you have not already done so. Otherwise, I do not see good things ahead for you.  Enough said.

  9. You need held back. You can't even spell principal.

  10. I think what you should do is talk directly to the teacher and principal about what happened. hopefully you have proof that you turned it in, a rough draft, or something saved on the computer? and let this be a lesson to you, concentrate on your school work! other teenage girls flirt but they also pass the eighth grade!

  11. free points

  12. thats wierd if you did your work why are they holding you back.

  13. say you did everything you were suppose to do while in summer school...but you put yourself in the position to go to summer school in the first place. Why weren't you doing the "right" things while you were in school throughout the year? Don't you think you should have been paying attention to the teachers and doing your work then? I understand not wanting to be held back, but if you weren't focusing during class you may need to...

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