
Uhhh this is odd butt...?

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I use to cut myself,and when people see the scars they judge me.I stopped but I wish people would see me and not my cuts




  1. First good job on stopping its a hard habit to stop and you know what don't worry about what people think everyone has problems and deals with them differently .you cant control what people will think of you just matters what you think of yourself.

  2. okay!!

  3. u can't erase ur past

  4. When they see the cuts, they see something wrong with you. They see a person who is unstable and that they should steer clear. It no longer matters to them if you are a nice person or not. They just don't want to deal with what could be happening. You now have to live with what you did for a very long time. Go get some scar removal. It will take a while, but the scars should either disappear or lessen. I know plenty of people, who may not cut anymore, but they still have to deal with people not wanting to be friends with them. It's sad, but true.

  5. Well its good you dont do that anymore but you have to live with your mistakes and learn to deal with the fact other people will judge you for your actions and get past that. Its like if you were having s*x and ended up getting pregnant and having a child. Its not like you can hide the child everyone will see the child and judge you and call you names but a child came out of it and thats your blessing,  but like the child and like your scars you should look at it as a blessing and a testimony for others to share your storey and let them know how much you have grown and how far you have come. I commend you for getting through what you have gone through but now is the time to share your storey and let people know they don't have to do what you've done things eventually work out in the end no matter how bad things get.

  6. It's not odd. What do you expect people to do when they see that, pat you on the back? Stick to longsleeves. Try cocoa butter on the scars to help heal them. And try this I had a friend who tried this on her scars to cover them

  7. Going through this with my 16 yo daughter.  Didn't know anything was wrong until too late.  She is getting better but she still doesn't care if people see and says she will beat them if they look or say anything.

    As her dad if she ask me what you are asking I would recommend catching their attention and eyes with your eyes.  Good eye contact is very important to communication anyway.  If that happens then they will have a different first impression of you than wondering about the scars.

    Good luck, I hope everything goes great!

  8. Try mederma cream and foundation for school, at home use the mederma, it will all clear up soon enough

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