
Uhmm im scared! orthodontist b4 i get braces appointment!!!!!aHHH!!?

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i have an orthodontist appointment tom., where they mold ur teeth and x-rays and stuff, and im scared, ive had my teeth x-rayed b4, but im scared they may say, " o, well u have a cavity, goto the dentist", what if i do? will they say anyhting? or will they not find it? ive nvr had a cavity...also, what else will they do? does anyogf it hurt??

please re-assure me im nervous




  1. It's fine. I just got mine on in the middle of june. They hurt the first couple days but after that you just get used to them. Don't worry  ( :

  2. Dont worry! Its nothing. And it wont hurt.

    And yes that clay stuff is kinda gross, so pick your flavor wisley (:

    And i dont think they will say anything about the cavity.

    dont worry and good luck!

  3. if you've never had a cavity before dont worry bout it. i went thru same thing. just remember to always wear your retainer after... and dont lose it.... or braces will pretty much be a waste of time. its not too bad.

  4. Don't worry!!!

    It will be OK I had to do that too, and you will be fine. The only thing that bothered me was the molding thing because it tasted gross and it was uncomfortable. But nothing is going to happen that will scar you for life! =]

    If you haven't had a cavity and if you take real good care of your teeth then you should be fine. I highly doubt you will have a cavity, and I'm not sure they will find it.

    But if they do happen to find a cavity, it shouldn't make a difference to that appointment, and getting a cavity is really no big deal.

    Last year I got my first cavity ever and I was devastated, and I thought getting a cavity filled would be painful, but it really wasn't.

    I don't think they do anything they didn't say they would. They usually let you know everything that they will be doing.

    You seem very nervous about the whole thing. Please relax this appointment should be no problem there is honestly absolutely nothing at all you should be worried about!

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck!


  5. haha, no they will not point out if you have a cavity or not (and they arent that bad), and nothing hurts, although when they take a mold of your teeth it feels like they are puting flavored clay in ur mouth, but dont eat it =]. good luck

  6. Trust me the first time you go to the orthodontist is a walk in the park... Because all they do is check your teeth, x rays and the molds and trust me non of those hurt... but what really hurts is your second visit when they put it on!!! :( but don't worry you i'll be just fine... Good Luck XD..

  7. iMy advice when they mold breath through your nose because its hard to breath through your mouth.It will be uncomfortable but the pain starts when you start eating itll take a week for you to get used to them.

  8. First of all, you'll be fine! I just got mine off, but when I got them on I was nervous too. All they are gonna do is take a couple of pictures of your teeth, and your skull (it won't hurt, they just do it to see where your teeth are growing in), and then they put like this clay like thing in your mouth that mold's your teeth so they know where to put the braces on. All they do is stick it into your mouth, then leave it in for about 2 minutes while it dries. Then they take it out, and when they take it out, it somewhat feels like your teeth will fall out, but they will NOT! They will just tell you to breathe through your nose. And if they find a cavity (which they usually don't-when they took my pictures, I had one and they did NOT find it)so don't worry. It will be easy and painless. And just think- in a couple years you will have beautiful teeth! Hope I helped and good luck! And don't worry-its easy!!!!

  9. it takes a long time and its going to hurt

    BUT its only for ONE time :)

    i thought about it that way when it happened to me.

  10. There's no need to be afraid, promise. It feels a little weird when they mold your teeth, but it didn't hurt at all. Braces only hurt me for a little while, and even then it was a dull ache. Be sure and take an advil or motrin before every appt. Good luck and don't be so nervous! :]

  11. I am going there to!! you are going to be allll right  just relax

    take deep breaths and think about good stuff its going to be

    fine try to sleep and dream good stuff to!

    good day!

  12. ehh they prob won't see a cavity, they're not really interested in your teeth, just their positions. Braces aren't that bad though, I've had mine on for 9 months now. It hurts some at first, and I had some serious self esteem issues (but I'm REALLY self conscience) but my friends helped me through it.

  13. The x-ray is just to look at how things are in your mouth so that they can treat the problem correctly. I don't think they'll find a cavity and if so, getting a filling doesn't hurt. The only part that hurts is if you have a metal filling and put metal in your mouth. Basically, nothing in the whole process you are going through will hurt. I have braces.

  14. impressions  last less than two minutes and its alginate in your mouth not clay... it has a gum like texture and most has some kind of flavoring usually minty lol (cheaper) it hardens to a rubber like consistency it is removed and then the lab or hygenist will fill that mold with plaster. As for getting xrays most clinics now have the panoramic machine, you bite down on a piece of plastic and it radiates around your head. done. As for cavities hopefully if you do have one it will be detected before any further damage and you have it fixed lol The first appointment with anyone is always the worst but do not allow fear to stop you from doing anything!  Keep your smile in your mouth and not in a cup. uncomfortable more than anything, but worth it. =)

  15. You'll be fine. I got my braces 1 month ago, and I was freaked out like you are, Just relax, and it doesnt hurt when their putting it on, but it sort of hurts after! you probably wont have a cavity because an orthodonist ask you to see your dentist before getting your braces, so your teeth are all clean!! :) have fun with your braces! p.s you hardly feel them after a week or so.

  16. They don't hurt as much as they say they do and they don't check for cavities. Don't sweat it.

  17. if you do have anything they will probably say you have plaque (tiny bitsof food that cause cavitys)they will just say brush there more often and if you do have a cavity and you do go to the denist,you get it cleaned the brushes they use look like tiny carwash bristles. also DO NOT SWALLOW the mold(they will most likely tell you that anyways).

  18. haha ***** im gettin myn off

  19. dont worry when i got my braces on and it didnt hurt at all only the next day when ur mouth is sore just take a advil to stop the pain.<3

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