
Uk/Europeans only please. How does political correctness, anti-war, anti-nationalism improve a country?

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  1. it doesn't help, it just turns it into england, the most spineless governed country in europe

  2. Interesting q, I noticed a lot of US responses held patriotism in high regard, where in Europe it's considered a lack of culture and education...

    Political correctness is just that, correct. Different words have different connotations which inevitably have an effect on what you are saying, that's how language works. So you can apply language witha more respectful tone (political correctness) when you want to show someone respect. Einsten's quote gives you the idea: "I am by heritage a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special attachment to any state or national entity whatsoever"

    There are cultural and political reasons for being anti-war. Pro-war is considered hardline right-wing, even fascist, in much of Europe, ever since the collapse of 20th century dictatorial régimes collapsed the rights of individuals are held in particularly high regard (Northern European countries are always top of the list in democracy and press freedom rankings). The concept of dying for a country sounds ridiculous to me; we are ABOVE ALL people, then whatever you say you are. Here's another interesting Einstein quote: " It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

    As I mentioned, patriotism is not considered a good trait at all in most of Europe (a major exception there in Spain, as there's internal conflict of languages and cultures), and shows narrow-mindedness and a lack of individualism. Many Europeans are appaled to see national anthems and flags being used so openly in the states, to many it looks like hardcore propaganda.

    So ya, I think that's an interesting question! Many Europeans consider nationalism and war come at the cost of individualism and, consequently, at the cost of personal freedom. If you ever saw a presidential candidate in Europe surrounded by as many patriotic symbolism as US candidates, chances are he/she'd lose the elections and make him/herself very unpopular... I could rant on for hours about it!  

  3. Because it encourages understanding and tollerance between the different cultures, races and religious backgrounds of its inhabitants.

  4. 1. Political Correctness - groups with power never give it up without a fight - it might be a full on war or just a war of words such as ridiculing the change towards parity.  Sooo it benefits a country to attempt to give those groups such as Ethnic Minorities, Women etc who historically have had it tough a voice and a code which we should all adhere to.  

    In our society it may be hard to see this when all the papers report are instances which seem to prove their case - but take for example slaves - when slavery was abolished people may have resisted change and scoffed at the notion that slaves should have equal rights as other citizens, that slaves should not be called x, y or z but now, ofcourse the latter notions have been accepted and added into our social psyche.  

    2.  Anti-war benefits a country because it ultimately is futile - at some point - often when many innocent people have died and families have been left devasted, people still have to talk and resolve things one way or another.  Wars are costly both in human and monetary terms.  Hence why Bismarck after using wars to attain the unifcation of Germany thereafter spent many more years attempting to secure peace in Europe towards the latter end of the 19th century.

    3.  Anti-nationalism may not benefit a country but the phenomenon is not straight forward - take Northern Ireland - you had loyalists who's nationalism arguably harmed the country but the same could also be said about republicans who's nationalism for EIRE also caused casualties.  To make it more complicated you had Scottish Orange Men going on walks in N.I then returning home to vote S.N.P!!??

    So nationalism in both ways - ie wishing to join with another country or wishing to secure their own province is not always good either - but  a global identity I feel it certainly benefits us all as citizens of the world.  It may for example mean that accident of birth as to where you are born (through no achievement on your part - completely fortuitous) no longer denotes a lifetime of poverty or relative comfort.

    Nothing is inevitable - at some point in time there were creatures on this planet who lived loooong before some hominoid decided that a certain mass of land should be called this country or that.

    Our territorial boundaries helps to cultivate differences and in/out groups.  Sure it is an idealistic point of view but how much nicer would it be to say you are a citizen of the world?  

    In addition, as nation states are gradually being eroded due to globalisation (ie it is increasingly becoming obvious governments no longer have the control over their own country's finances due to global factors/the cultural imperalism of countries like U.S etc etc) a homogonised and smaller world is not as ridiculous as it first sounds.

  5. it's not good to be pro-war but war must be used sometimes as a last resort.

    PC policies - destroy a country.

    Anti - Nationalism - the same. Also encourages mass immigration.

  6. Have just answered a question on why dogs smell each others butts all the time,and then this monumental poser!!

    Political INcorrectness/PRO war/and nationalism are all forms of patriotism based upon exclusion of others

    All 3 of the ones you mention stimulate a broader perspective on others which lead to greater tolerance and eventual understanding.

    Take nationalism,this means you are pro your country,but then you will be pro your city,than your village  and so on,so the madness goes far beyond just patriotism for your country.Best only judge people on a one to one,not by religious preference, of country or colour etc.It's the only war forward.Being anti-war means you are willing to take the more difficult route of negotiation and discussion.P/correctedness teaches you to tolerate and understand societies.It removes the generalities of s*x and gender and colour,and replaces it with actions and a language that breeds a coming together of different people,rather than exclusion.

  7. It doesn't, those who believe in that sort of nonsense are rent a mob liberals. They are few in number but know how to make a lot of noise to make there point  

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