
Uk Question. Would you emmigrate to Australia if you could?

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I have a family...2 kids and the chance to live in OZ for a couple of years....but I LOVE the UK....however things are getting financially VERY hard here....we dont even own a home and we could live very cheaply in Oz and maybe save up as we can live rent free in family accomodation...I'm just wary....and worried! I have been there and there are good points....but also bad ones....what would you do? I worry about my 4 year old settling into a new school and then getting uprooted again after a couple of years....oh..what SHALL I do???




  1. Don't pass up the chance, you may regret it. I was all ready to go in the 60's on a £10 assisted passage scheme, but my future husband backed out at the last minute to stay with his mother in England. I have regretted going ever since. Children adapt better than adults, I think, and who knows, you may decide to stay. England sucks and has for a long while.

  2. I would go, its a much more laid back life. I have been there a couple of times visiting and have loved it. If you dont go you'll always wonder whether you should have gone

  3. Go go go!  don't look back!  The UK is going into the depths of h**l and the Government are watching it happen.

  4. i would totally emmigrate to Australia!!

    i live there (here) and its great!! theres lots of fun for the kids.. u could go to the gold coast and go to some awesome theme parks like white water world, dream world. my favourite is movie world. your kids will be fine. they could always make new friends.

  5. If its something you want to try then go for it. Better to come back if you hate it then alwyas wonder.

    Up rooting young kids isn't such a big deal but would become one if they were secondry school age. Primary age they make friends much easier.

    The only thing to think about is not having family or friends around you which can make you feel very isolated.

    I'd say if its a short term thing then you have nothing to lose.

    And if you don't have a house to sell then go and if you ahte it some back in 6 months. Your kids will only miss out on the first year of school  then.

  6. I would do it in a heart beat.

  7. No

  8. Yes I would

  9. The United Kingdom may be going through a rough patch and I cannot deny it will probably get worse, but isn't it strange that people are literally dying to come here? If you want to run off at the first sign of trouble, then please go. Some of us love our country, our way of life and our traditions. No one is a prisoner (here).

  10. HI i would love to emmigrate to oz. As my dad did back in april as he was offered a job over there. He moved out their with my younger and sister ages 16, 5 and 2. My sister settled into the school very well as there were loads of other english children in the same school. She likes the way she gets to go to school as they pick her up from their house on a school bus.

  11. id do it  - you say you love the uk ?

    GO FOR IT   uk is shite..( i live there ).........and better quality of life etc etc

  12. I personally wouldn't want to - there are too many poisonous creatures there! haha. I'd prefer to stay in Europe if i was going to move, Australia's too far for me.

  13. A lot of people seem to really like Australia. I have been there and although I enjoyed my holiday, I wasn't all that taken with it. If you think you and your family would have a better quality of life then go for it.

  14. I emigrated from the UK when I was 25 twelve years ago and would do it all again. I also lived in Canada as a child and then moved to the UK aged 8. I don't think it disrupted my education significantly. So I would say go for it. You only live once.

  15. I'd say go for it, it'll be a better way of life and a great experience for you all.  The UK will always be here if you don't like it, but if you don't go for it, you'll always be wondering 'what if?'.  Good luck!

  16. Do what you feel is best for your 4 year old. That's a young age to worry about em settling in, 4 y o's talk to anyone. England's **** at the moment and i would do it (prob) but follow your heart rather than your head as you could regret it. It's got so bad over here that it surly can only get better.

  17. I f I had the Chance I would go,yes! You have a wonderful opportunity daisy hill,take it. Just think of the fun and excitement the children will have? Let's face it England is not a very nice place at the moment,you can only benefit as a family both financially  and emotionally. It is understandable to feel wary,everything is going to be a new experience but you won't regret it!............. Go on do this for all of you........Have lots of FUN!!!!! x

  18. No.  That is that last place I would want to live.

    I moved to the UK 3 1/2 years ago (from Oz) and I've never looked back.

  19. If it were me, I would stay here, I love this country and would be soooo home sick if we ever had to leave.

    Also, think of the hours on a plane you would have to spend just to come back to visit your families.

    UK rules! OK?!

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