
Uk answers for a Immigration question!!!?

by  |  earlier

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My friend who has married in the uk to a uk citizen in 2003. She has asked many times to work with no direct response from the home office. Anyway last year she foolishly obtained a false document to work but it was in her name and was reported to the police by a supervisor who didn't like the fact that Co wanted to promote her.

her employers were not informed by his actions and were angry that he had behaved in that way and have written her letters to say that they would be pleased to re employer her a s she was a hard worker

Well she was sent down for 3mths and was due to be deported but was released from the detention centre. Her appeal failed as an overstayed she must return home b4 she can reapply for a uk visa to return to her husband of 5yrs marriage.

Anyway they bought her a ticket and he took her to the airport the immigration officers said that her passport would be there after check in but then issued her with a travel document stating deportation ?

Upon returning to her country they immigration officers said that she was deported ? How can a person be deported when they were not escorted to the airport or detained ? but bought there own ticket to return home can anyone explain if this is correct or not legally for me to understand




  1. It was voluntary, so not sure why they listed it as a deportation.

    But what she needs to do now is apply for a visa on the grounds of her marriage to her UK born husband. The husband should go with her to the British embassy of her country with all the necessary documents as proof of their marriage, husband's income and accommodation.

    And unless directly questioned in interview, she should not mention the illegal work documents whatsoever. The less she says, the better.

  2. Well she was not deported, she was issued with removal order means she was given 28 days to leave UK & she did.

    Its called voluntary leaving the country. They shouldn't be saying "She was deported".

    Of course it wont be easy for her to get the UK visa in future, so thats sad side of the story. But I still dont understand why did she make the false document? That probably was her biggest mistake. But again we humans only learn from our mistakes.

  3. I don't understand why she could not work

    why she did not apply for ILR (indefinate leave to remain) after 2 years of marriage  - did the marriage fail - in which case she was here illegally

    If she got married again she would have had to leave and apply again to come in as the wife of her new husband

    or for ILR on the grounds of residency after 5 years - but only if she was here legally

    either she seems to be a victim of not understanding the system or there is alot more that we are not being told

    It was stupid to get a false document - now she needs to get specialist advice to see if anything can be done

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