
Uk does it p**s you off when?

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people from other couturiers talk in there own language in front of you even though they can speak english and the in your country

i hate it i think how rude can you get epically if their speaking english and then change half way through conversation when your near them




  1. nope. why should they? you arent meant to eavesdrop anyway, its not meant for your ears their conversation.

  2. Why should it? What if they're just more comfortable speaking in their native language? And you shouldn't be eavesdropping, anyway. Don't always assume the worst when people do that, even if it makes you feel insecure.

  3. No, Not really.

    What does p**s me off though is when an English person walks into a pub in Wales and expects all the Welsh speaking people to switch to English (Because we all speak it) purely because they have graced us with their presence.

    The English have a terrible reputation abroad because they expect everyone to speak English.

    Imagine if you and your brother were sitting in a pub and  could both speak French as a second language, a French person walks in to the pub, would you  change the language you were conversing in to French?

    I think not

  4. No it doesn't bother me if they're not talking directly to me . I use to work in retail and some of the customer's could barely speak any english , now that's annoying. If they want to live in a certain country , the good thing to do would be learn the language first .

    But if they know both english and there own language , I don't see a problem with that at all if they speak to each other in there own language.

    Edit - I knew what you meant but it doesn't really bother me cos I always have too much on my mind. However, I know  that when I'm out with my mum and someone does that , she gets a little annoyed lol

  5. Ya right m8! What do you speak in Amsterdam? Dutch? don't think so. But coming over to get stoned then? Buzz off!

  6. no - its a gift for them - why dont you learn their language too and stop berating a skill.

  7. No, it doesn't p**s me off... unless they are obviously talking about me in their language.

    Sometimes they can speak English but they are just more comfortable in their own language. For example, I can speak Italian okay but if I am in Italy with another English person, I would rather speak English with them because it is more natural to me. Speaking Italian to an English person in Italy would just be awkward, as we would both struggle when we are both more natural in English.

  8. If you dont know them then who cares, I bet you would do the same.

    It would, however, be rude if you were with friends who started speaking in a different language and excluding you.

    Ever heard of privacy?

  9. It's rude to use language purely to exclude someone from a conversation. It's rude and selfish to expect people who primarily speak a language that isn't the local one to avoid speaking their own language just in case you overhear their conversation and want to eavesdrop.

    If you're constantly trying to overhear their conversation and they don't want you to, it's a very effective way of keeping their communications private. No ruder than whispering or passing notes. They don't want you to listen - take the hint.

    By the way, what does the word 'couturiers'  mean?

  10. No, it wouldn't, unless I was part of the group, for one thing, their conversation is no concern of mine and I'm not as insecure as to think that they'd be talking about me.

    What's worse is when someone from another country comes to your country and asks you to speak in THEIR language. This is unlikely to happen in England as not many English people speak anything apart from English. This happened to me and a group of friends not long ago. We were in OUR local pub, in OUR town speaking in OUR first language (Welsh) as we do every day. An Englishman came to our table and asked (, it was more 'told') us to stop speaking 'that lingo' and to change to English as he and his wife couldn't understand what we were talking about. I won't tell you the reply he received.

    Put yourself in our position...what would YOU have said?

    As for speaking English THEN changing to their language just as you walk in...why would anyone be speaking to their friends in a foreign language (English) in the first place? It wouldn't happen here, we always speak Welsh to each other, it would feel strange speaking to them in English. The only time English would be used in our group is if there was an English or foreign person included who didn't speak Welsh and that would be for common courtesy.

    Esiampl dda a phwynt dilys Al G.

  11. Yeah it is quite rude

    Then again the British can be quite rude too, depends on the person

  12. Well I understand how you feel but I study in the English part of Canada and when I'm with French friends I just can't help talking in French with them. Talking in English would feel weird. I do speak English when I'm both with English speaking friends and French friends.

    I really don't mean to be rude.

    @blue- :couturiers=fashion designers ("grands (great) couturiers" like Lagerfeld and Marc Jacobs)

  13. Creo que eres una cacarruta.

  14. No, because no matter what country I go to, I can ONLY speak English, because I'm too stupid to learn any other language, like most of us.

  15. Yes of course  

  16. yessss!! well i'm in america, but i feel for y'all too, cause here spanish is EVERYWHERE.

    english is a dying language... = [

  17. I have to LAUGH at the amount of people who don't even grasp the concept of politeness. It's obviously not about wanting to eavesdrop on someone or being supposedly 'jealous' that they have a 'gift' of knowing more than one language.

    I am guessing people would have been a bit less hostile if you bothered to use the spell checker though...

    I feel really sorry for those people though, who can't grasp basic points and need to attack you. They are probably one of the rude people who do it and that's why they reacted that way.

    I don't mind much if they could just be tourists, but when it's shop owners etc who obviously know english it is VERY RUDE, although I don't care too much.  

  18. Yeahh!

    I think, if they're here they should at least have the decency to speak our language...otherwise what separates this country from others.

    They should show some respect.

  19. I'm American, not British, but something about the situation you describe annoys me, too.  Although I think people have the right to converse among themselves inthe language they'r emsot comfortable in,  it's  annoying when people speaking a foreign language in public don't have the courtesy to lower their voices, as if the only reason to speak quietly were to avoid being overheard and the fact that the people around them don't understand the language they're speaking means they don't have to be considerate.  (Of course, now that I think of it, today few people keep their voices down, no matter what language they're speaking!  You can learn all sorts of things you never wanted to know about strangers just  by eating on the other side of a restaurant from them!)

  20. well no because i don't care about their conversation anyway!

    good for them i say, i wish i could do that so i have more chance of having a private conversation! :p

  21. Honestly, it's none of your business, if they aren't talking to you.  And you'd do the same if you didn't know how to say a sentence in another language if you were speaking foreign.  

  22. well i guess you're jealous because they speak two languages and you obviously speak none, if your spelling ability is any indicator.

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