
Uk only. how long does it take to hear back from tax credits?

by Guest57190  |  earlier

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i posted the form about 3 to 4 weeks ago and i still haven't heard anything back.




  1. Its a really busy time at the moment as everyone are renewing their claims.  You could try and ring them.  That sometimes works as if they are holding your application because they need more info, you can hurry it up by going through it with them on the phone.

    Dont worry though, when your claim is finally sorted it will be backdated to when you first applied.

  2. They are fairly incompetent so I'm not surprised you've not heard from them.  I did my renewal over the phone, its quicker.

    Give them a call.

  3. it took me 7 months to get back a tax refund! not credits i know, but they're all part of the same incompetent company!

  4. I'd give them a ring to check just to be sure, ain't no harm in checking!

    I first claimed back in 2003 so can't really remember, now with my renewals i get my response a week after i ring them to give my year end figures

  5. I had the same issue with my working tax credits, I was told that there was nothing on the system. Eventually they put a chase on the claim and after a few days it was sorted but it took me and my partner about the same time 4-5 weeks.

    Tax Office says it will process a claim upto 2 weeks after they recieve it.  We must have called them at least 25 times in all and it was not a free number so the phone bill was getting higher and higher.

    But in the end it was worth it as it was all back dated to the date of the claim and we happily went out for a nice meal and bottle of bubbly ahhhhh all that hastle was worth it in the end.

    Well, Best of luch any further issue's with the Tax man just mail me.

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