
Uk passport? how do i get one when my mother is australian??

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Uk passport? how do i get one when my mother is australian?

right long explanation but.............. My grandfather and grandmother were born in the uk. They immigrated to australia and had my gave borth to my mother there. They moved back a year later and was never told that they has to get my mother nationalised or anything so have never done so.

I now need a passport to go oon holiday with my friends and can not get one as i can not claim my national status from my mother.I do not know my father due to circumstances and so can not claim to his. I am 17 and in desperate need of any information wich may help. I can not possibly be forced to stay in the uk for the rest of my life just because of my mother is there anything we can do because it says on the passport aplication ' mothers residence at time of birth' and therefore i dont know what i can do about it please help i need informationadn advice on what to do

I was born in the uk and lived here all my life




  1. Your grandparents (on the maternal side) were born in the UK (born British as they were born before 1983). Your mother is born in Australia (Australian by birth since she's born before 20 August 1986). But if your grandparents were British at the time of your mother's birth she is automatically British by Descent (if she's born in wedlock she gets it from her dad but if not then from her mother). You are British by Birth if your born in the UK and your mother was British (it doesn't matter how she obtained her British citizenship) at the time of your birth.

    If your mother moved back to the UK when she was a year old then it is possible that she never had a British passport (since back in the old days children went on their parents passports we're talking up to 25 years ago). Your grandparents would have added her name to their British passports at the British High Commission in Australia (and possibly gotten her a British birth certificate at the same time, this is done within the first year of birth).

    Papers to prove your British citizenship for a UK passport:

    Your British birth certificate.

    Your mother's most recent British passport issued in her name (and/or British birth certificate if she has one) and failing that your mother's Australian birth certificate plus (if born in wedlock) your grandfather's birth certificate, grandfather's British passport (especially if you can include the one with her name on it), and grandparents marriage certificate (if born out of wedlock then grandmother's British passport and grandmother's British birth certificate).

    Even if you couldn't claim through your mother (your situation  means that you are automatically British at birth) you would be able to claim British citizenship based on the fact that you lived in the UK until the age of 10.

    Just for future reference, if ever you want to come live in Australia remember that you can also claim Australian Citizenship by Descent through your mother.

  2. I really fail to understand why you need an UK passport. But can't you ask at their Embassy if they can naturaalize you?

    I have been in the UK 25 years, I'd qualify for an UK passport about 10 times over, I pay more taxes than 90% of your Brits but I don't see what I'd do with it. I am more than happy with an Italian passport but haven't seen THAT one since it expired 26 years ago.

    I just move with an ID card and never leave Europe.

    Can't you go wherever you want to go with an AU passport? Sorry if I sound stupid lol.

  3. so you are british if you were born there regardless of where you parents are from, how is this a problem?

  4. Sorry, you have to be 18:

    From the link below (Home Office)

    here are seven requirements you need to meet before you apply:

        * you are aged 18 or over; and

        * you are of sound mind; and

        * you intend to continue to live in the United Kingdom, or to continue in crown service, the service of an international organisation of which the United Kingdom is a member, or the service of a company or association established in the United Kingdom; and

        * you can communicate in English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic to an acceptable degree; and

        * you have sufficient knowledge of life in the United Kingdom; and

        * you are of good character; and

        * you meet the residential requirements.

    Residential requirements

    To demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

        * have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least five years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and

        * have been present in the United Kingdom five years before the date of your application; and

        * have not spent more than 450 days outside the United Kingdom during the five year period; and

        * have not spend more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the five-year period; and

        * have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the five-year period.

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