
Uk pole dancing, is it really exploitation?

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I read that the powers that be are looking to curb this activity!

UK is a tiny dot on the world map, we have about 300 of these spots in the UK , would it really change the world if we closed them all down?:




  1. I think it's exploitation, but then I don't expect many people to agree with me.

    I think that pole dancing clubs trivialise the s*x industry, and make people think that it's perfectly acceptable for a woman to dress and act provocatively for money.

    People may argue that a woman chooses that job, but if that woman had a choice between two equally well paid jobs- one where she was respected, valued and treated as equal, or one where she had men stuff money into her underwear, which would she choose?

    According to a survey by Amnesty International, a third of men in the UK believe that a woman is either partially or fully responsible for being raped if she is dressed in skimpy clothes. What hope do pole dancers have?

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