
Uk resident looking for working holiday ideas????? please help!?

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Im a 22 yr old male and basically i am looking for an opportunity to travel. Ideally i would like a working holiday or even charity work pretty much anywhere. Sorry if i'm being naive, but if you go abroad to work for a charity or volenteer work, do u pay your own living expenses or is that covered once you're there?

Perhaps anyone who has worked abroad in similar situations could offer advice. Thanks




  1. Look at for live-in (and other) jobs or alternatively try to find people around the world willing to offer you free bed and board in exchange for a few hours work a day. is also brilliant for finding free places to stay in the short term, and is a great opportunity to meet people.

  2. OK Chris, well I have a suggestion for you (I'm thinking of doing the same type of job) but tell me what you think of it.

    Go to this website:

    It's based here in NY and well, it really interests me, but it can be quite a lot of work. But if you have good social skills and good patience then it should be fine.

    Um, can you enable your E-mail link, please? :)

  3. There are plenty of organisations looking for volunteers, as for  expenses that varies with each different organisation.

    Decide where you would like to give assistance then apply to the appropiate organisation, they will then tell you just what wil be required.

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