
Ukbb9 how many people believe tonights biased show????

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after tonights show it was blatently obvious that the bb producers were pi**ed off that sara survived the eviction.

Last night after lisa was announced as leaving, rex was clearly heard stating 'that someone was going in the pool"

There was obviously a bet regarding who would stay or go among housemates....anyway i never watch the eviction interview and just watch the live feed AND ALL HOUSEMATES STATED THAT THEY WERE GOING TO JUMP FULLY CLOTHED INTO THE POOL!!!!!!

Rex was called into the diary room and the rest of them did not jump, only Darnell & Sara jumped in.

They both twirled around the pool stating that noone else was allowed into the pool...during tonights show this was shown that they were getting romantic.....RUBBISH!!!

That's why you saw darnell wearing his t-shirt during that made up ***** segment.

When rex came out of the diary room, he was going to join them but ONLY KAT said to him 'Don't go in', that's why he did'nt.

I watched this all live yesterday and tonight's show was just a pure hatchet job for sara and darnell.

What you saw was ABSOLUTELY opposite to what happened!!

Anybody else see this...or can i be the only person who watches the live feed and saw what really went on????




  1. Wha...?  Oh...  But I thought it was sweet!  Who said nobody else was allowed in?  I thought the housemates didn't want to because they saw that the other two were getting cosy, and they wanted to leave them to it?

  2. Dudeee calm down, I can feel your pent-up-aggression in all your questions, ahaha breathee.. or you'll do yourself a mischief...

    Anywhoo I see what you're saying but I still can't help feeling slightly pissed off at Sara's behaviour.. to think she almost had it in the bag. Now I dunno who I want to win.. I could live with Mikey.  

  3. I believe that I'm never being shown the real stories as they truly happen.

    But that's what BB is and always will be about.

  4. I didn't watch it live but I can believe what you are saying. It is blatently obvious BB producers are editing it so we see what they want us to see, it's all so fake.

  5. its all a load of rubbish...dont watch it....

  6. even if bb had manipulated various parts what difference does it make? sara still flirted with darnell. thats her choice. do u not agree with me on this?

  7. Nothing about the way BB producers edit to manipulate the public sup rises me anymore. they know hoe they want the show to go & act accordingly

  8. I watched it live.  i saw Sara all over Darnell and she WAS getting romantic with him in the pool.  They then carried this on in the bath and she was all over him in the bath too.  She kept sitting astride him and hugging him and such.  They didn't show THAT bit on tonight's show though.      

  9. yh the live feed  was totally diffferent

    people hate rex but the live feed shows a totally different side//the edited shows show what they want to keep the public watchin

  10. I am convinced that you are right.  The thing that gets me more than anything else are the clips they show AFTER voting and eviction, of things that happened prior to the eviction.  These are invariably clips that would affect voting............and therefore eviction.  How very contrived it all is !

  11. As you know Tony I saw it live last night and I can see exactly what you are saying however I still have to agree with what Marge is saying as well and they are both still carrying it on today -

    Sorry Tony but I didn't have any time for Sara before all this started and have even less now !  But hey each to their own !!

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