
Ukbb9 let's relive that golden moment again!!!?

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"daweena, dona taake anymoore of ma fweends away frome me!!"

The smug, fake thai tv presenter was so convinced that she was going to win right until the last second.

Her overacting when leaving was TV gold....she is gonna see them all again in 72 hours....ffs

I must admit that i was crying too..........with laughter!!!!

did this top bex's eviction....

which eviction was better????




  1. I agree with Marion L - I don't get any pleasure out of seeing someone else's pain.  She is a human being at the end of the day and I felt sorry for her and because for all of them the evictions were a huge shock.

  2.     the    kat   is   out    of    the   bag   /        .     her    tears    were    real      until     she    seen    the    cameras    again   .then     she    started    acting    like    a   kid    with   a.d.h.d.

         glad   shes   out  .

  3. Kat's was better and I must admit I was laughing when she got evicted. However Bex's eviction is funny as well because she was convinced she wasn't going, but what makes it even better is that fact that Darnell and Mo are hugging each other and are really happy and then they realise..we need to be cool..LOL

  4. She was so upset and lets face it ,she dident do anybody any real harm ,just playing the game ,and why not ,I wanted her to go to ,and was pleased ,but she was very upset ,and I dont find peoples pain funny  

  5. thank god kat has gone she was so sure she would win she was so fake!!!!!!

  6. I wanted her to go, but then I felt sorry for her when everyone was booing her because she just looked so helpless plus she's TiNY! Yeah her eviction topped Bex's one.. =] You could tell Kat thought she was favorite to win/

  7. That was a truly lovely

  8. hahaha loved it Kat's was the best and the first time she cried real tears

  9. Kat's was better ! She did think she was going to be there right till the end so the look on her face was a cracker! ha ha ha ha. Im glad she went, i wont miss her!  

  10. kats was best!!!!! i started to feel sorry for her when she was booed, but then when she had her interview, i was reminded why i can't stand her and had to turn off half way through.

  11. Loved Bex's eviction but the sheer joy of seeing how shocked Kat was (after she said "don't take any more of my friends from me") at getting the shove. She thought she was a dead cert for the £100.000 cheque. Glad the voting public were not as gullable as she thought & weren't fooled by her .

  12. Thank god that Thai hobbit is gone.  I'm suprized she didn't trip down the stairs with her clumpy shoes.  Happy, happy house!!  She can put on the waterworks and shut them off on command.  

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