
Ukraine fears becoming Russia's next target. What do you think?

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  1. I wouldn't worry about it

    Ukraine has the 2nd largest military in Europe, only after Russia itself.

    And, since they use old Soviet stuff, it would be like a Russia v. Russia conflict.

    Don't forget, that Ukraine is much closer to Western Europe, and is a much more important country than Georgia...As bad as it may sound to say this, nobody cares about Georgia...Ukraine, on the other hand...

  2. I agree they should fear - given Russia's recent belligerence!  Russia is trying to annex its neighbors - to recreate the USSR.  NATO needs to step up and quit hiding under the nearest rock!


  3. thats nonsense. ukraine is practically as powerful as russia.if russia attacks ukraine the whole eastern europe would abandon russia and align with the west.

  4. absolute nonsense

    don't you understand that georgia attacked south ossetia first, the russians were just simply driving them out of  south ossetia

    just like america did when they ran the iraqis out of kuwait

    russia did nothing that the usa has already done

    and just so you know the russians are not occupying georgia,they just pushed them back behind there borders where they belong

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