
Ukulele advice please read!?

by  |  earlier

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So, I've wanted to learn how to play ukulele for a while. For the longest time my mom wouldn't let me buy one, but finally she did! It was a 40 dollar soprano at a little shop just out of town. Unfortunately the inonation is so completely horrid I can't play anything on it. Even when it is tuned perfectly chords sound awful and I can't learn anything on it. Also I looked online and the same uke is 22 dollars online so i got ripped off. I have two options here.

ONE: I can live with it till christmas and try to learn as much as i can from it. (im getting a nicer one then)

TWO: I could buy the nicer one now and return the crappy one.

My mom will probably be pissed if i want to return it, buy I gotta do what I gotta do...




  1. If i were you, i would buy a new one. I have a $60 soprano and it was fine, but some of hte chords always sounded funny. Chances are the ukulele you bought wasnt a well made ukulele, probably more of a souvineer. I convinced my mom to let me buy another and i bought my own tenor ukulele for about $140 and i absolutely love it.  

  2. Khung,

    If you're mom will let you I'd return it and get the nicer one.  Some stores, I'm sorry to say, don't deal much in ukuleles b/c they can make more money selling a guitar to a novice.  So, they a ukulele at double the cost thinking they'll be able to switch you to a guitar....and make more money.  Tsk!  Most ukuleles under a hundred dollars have bad intonation....but do sound pretty good when strummed.  Only when they're picked do you really hear the bad intonation.  

    If you can't return the ukulele for a full refund try some of these tips.

    Does your ukulele have friction tuners?  If so, tighten the s***w on the tuning peg so it won't slip....thus preventing you from going out of tune.

    Put Aquila Nylgut strings on it.  I'm guessing you have a soprano ukulele.  Be sure and get the right size strings for the right size ukulele. I've found has Aquila strings at the best price.

    Before you buy your new ukulele check out for tips on buying.

    Also is a good site to buy a nice uke.  I'd go for the Lanikai LU-21C  Yes, it's double what you paid for the last one.  But you won't  be disappointed.

    Check or and see if there's a club near you.  Lot's of knowledge and fun playing with others.  You're mom may even want to join.

    Have fun,


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